Chapter 19: Consequences

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General POV.

Elizabeth stood on a dry piece of land in the cave looking at a few pieces of gold.

Jack however was throwing all kinds of treasure around looking for good pieces to bring.

Rose walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a tight hug.

'I'm so sorry for everything' Elizabeth said softly

'I'm the one giving you a death scare' Rose said smiling.

'I love you Elizabeth. you're my best friend. I would do it all over just for you' Rose said as she took Elizabeth in another tight hug.

'You know before we went off to the Black Pearl.

And you were already down in the dinghy. Your father came to the captain's quarters.

He sat in front of the door. Telling us how proud he is.

On me for trying to save you.

But he thought it was good of you to say yes to the proposal.'

'Of course he would say that' Elizabeth said softly smiling watching Will.

'But he also said that sometimes the most ideal decision, can be a really bad decision when made with bad reasons' Rose said softly while brushing a hair behind Elizabeth's ear.

'He loves you any how Lizzy..

Not only when you marry Norrington'

Rose wiped the tear of Elizabeth's face.

Rose saw Will coming.

'I'll leave you two alone.' Rose said softly and walked off towards Jack.

'Jack' Rose said as she walked up to him.

'Rose' Jack exclaimed having all kinds of gold around his neck. And walked over to her.

Rose gave him a slap in the face.

'Dying!? Really you gave me the biggest scare of my life!' Rose said tears in her eyes.

Jack snickerd.

'Love. I didn't enjoy seeing you die either' he smirked

Which made Rose smile back at him.

He brushed his fingers over her cheeks.

'I wouldn't mind tho. Being Immortal with you' Jack said a bit softer.

Rose smirked looking up to him. And before she knew it Jack had filled the gap between their lips again. His arm in this small of her back. He did stab her on accident with the gold chandelier he was holding. But that was soon forgotten.

Rose laid her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss with Jack.

'We should return to the Dauntless.' Elizabeth said softly towards Will.

'Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe. ' Will replied.

Elizabeth nodded softly and walked away towards the dinghy's

'Really Will!' Rose said behind him.

Her hands up.

'if you were waiting for the opportune moment' Jack said

'That was it' Rose and Jack said at the same time.

'Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship!' Jack said smiling at Rose.

Rose knew she couldn't go with Jack. But he told her to write to Tortuga and he would collect her letters.

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