Chapter 9 : Jack

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General POV

'Dead men tell no tales.' The parrot of Cotton sang.

The interceptor was sailing through a lot of shipwrecks.

'The indicator that we're almost there' a sailor said.

'puts a chill in the bones, how many honest sailors have been claimed by this passage. ' Gibbs told Rose and Will.

Gibbs walked of the side of the ship to finish his chores.

'How is it that Jack came by the compass?' Will asked Gibbs walking after him.

Rose heard the questions Will was asking Gibbs, and she walked after them.

She wanted to know more about Jack. He was an interesting person.

'Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to find the treasure of the Isla de Muerta.

That was before I met him.

When he captained the Black Pearl. '

'Excuse me? ' Rose chopped in the conversation.

'Jack ?' Rose asked.

'Jack Sparrow was the captain of the Black Pearl?'

'Aye' Gibbs said.

'He failed to mention that' Will said dryly

'He plays things closer to the vest now. A hard learned lesson it was.

See Three days out on the venture, the first mate comes to him and says;

Everything's an equal share. That means the location of the treasure too.

So Jack gives up the bearings.

That night there was a mutiny.

They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he'd gone mad with the heat.' Gibbs explained to Will and Rose.

Rose had her hand on her mouth.

'That's horrible! What an awfull first mate!' she said while frowning deeply.

Will on the other hand just thought about it

'Ah , so that's the reason for all the ... ' Will gestured the extra arm moves and facial expressions Jack makes.

'Reason's got nothing to do with it. Now, Will.

When a pirate's marooned. He's given a pistol with a single shot.

One shot.

That won't do much good hunting. Nor to be rescued. ' Gibbs said while sitting down explaining the situation to Will further.

Rose stood with her hands on the rail close by listening to what Gibbs had to say.

Her hair was loose and waving in the wind.

It was a beautiful day out and the sun was shining bright.

'But after three weeks of a starving belly and thirst, that pistol started to look real friendly.' Gibbs said while putting his fingers to his head.

'But Jack escaped the island and still has the single shot.

But oh he won't use it, though. He's saving it on one man.

And one man only.

His mutinous first mate ' Gibbs said

'Barbossa' Rose said while walking up towards the two men.

'Aye' Gibbs said and looked up to Rose.

'But how did Jack get off the island?' Will asked.

'Well, I'll tell ye. ' Gibbs said using his hands to make the explaining look easier.

Rose said down in front of Gibbs. She was intrigued by the story of Gibbs. She wanted to know more and more about this mysterious pirate.

'he waded out into the shallows and waited three days and three nights.

Till all manner of sea creatures came acclimated to his presence.

And on the fourth morning. He roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together and made a raft. '

'So you're telling me , That Jack roped a couple of sea turtles.' Rose said looking a bit confused.

'Aye sea turtles' Gibbs nodded

'What did he use for rope?' Will cut into the conversation. Looking questionable at Gibbs.

Who opened his mouth but then closed it again. Thinking of the answer.

Gibbs looked at Rose and then up.

Jack stood in front of them and behind Rose.

'Human Hair. From my back' Jack simply said.

To which Rose turned around looking up to Jack.

She looked at him differently now.

She felt sorry for Jack.

He was kind and nice to his crew and they threw him off just like that.

'Let go of the anchor line!' Jack ordered the crew.

'Young mister Turner and I are to go ashore.' Jack said and was about to turn around.

'And what about me?' Rose stood up in front of Jack. She was a bit shorter than him. Looking at him straight.

'I want to save Elizabeth just as much as him' She pointed at Will

'And I think I proved myself worthy these last couple of days haven't I?' Rose simply said crossing her arms.

Jack rolled his eyes.

'If you really really insist Miss Rivers. Then you shall come along.'

'Captain! Gibbs said walking after Jack.

'What if the worst should happen?'

'Keep to the code.' Jack said and walked off

'Aye. The code' Gibbs agreed.

Okay so. I actually finished writing the whole story. So if you want the updates sooner, you can comment! Then i can see if i have enough people who like the story! 

I'm thinking about writing Dead mens chest to but i want to write something else first!

Jack Sparrow's Rose Curse of the Black Pearl (Last Chapter 18+)Where stories live. Discover now