Chapter 17: Getting Back.

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General POV

Only the chubby and the fake eyed pirate were giving another job.

They were to disguise themselves so that Norrington's men would be distracted.

The other pirates on the other hand were starting to climb onto the rope of the anchor. On top of the Dauntless.

Mr. Swann asked the guard in front of the door were Rosemary and Elizabeth were stuck to be alone for a second with them.

'Girls' He knocked on the door. But no sound came out.

' I just want you girls to know.

I'm proud of what you did to save Elizabeth, Rosemary.

And Elizabeth I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you to.

But you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision. '

Rosemary was climbing trough the window when she heard what he said.

'Even Mr. Swann thinks it's a bad decision to marry Norrington' she thought to herself.

'good to know' she said softly before letting herself climb out of the window.

'Girls are you there?' Mr. Swann asked when he did not hear any sound come back.

'Are you even listening to me?' He asked when he opened the door. Seeing the window open and none of the girls left inside.

'Come on Elizabeth lets row towards the pearl!' Rosemary said. As she started rowing towards the black pearl.

'Why!? we better go to the cave! To save Will.'

'No we got to release the crew first' Rosemary answered as she rowed towards the Black Pearl.

The pirates that were a distraction in the dinghy were starting to fight with each other leaving their bodies exposed to the full moon.

Which made Norrington's eyes grow big.

'WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE DAUNTLESS! ' He yelled as the soldiers started rowing back towards the Dauntless.

Meanwhile. In Isla the muerta.

Jack was inspecting all kinds of gold the crew of the Pearl had picked up on their voyages.

'I must admit Jack, I thought I had you figured,

But it turns out you're a hard man to predict.' Barbossa told him.

'Me I'm dishonest.

And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest.

Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. ' Jack said while walking towards Barbossa.

'Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.' Jack said before pushing Twigg down and grabbing his sword.

Jack threw Will the sword. And ran towards Barbossa starting a sword fight with him.

Will had cut his rope lose and started fighting the other three pirates who were after him.

Jack had cut the feather of Barbossa's head.

'Ha- ha' he smirked

Barbossa snarled at him and ran after him.

'You're off the edge of the map, mate.

Here there are monsters' Barbossa smirked as he pushed Jack around.

Rosemary's POV

We have reached the Pearl.

'Come on lets climb up!' I said towards Elizabeth. we climbed up on the railing

We came by a few pirates who were already choosing which piece of pie they were going to eat and taste first when they would have slit Will's throat.

Come on I motioned up towards Elizabeth.

I reached the deck and wanted to climb upwards when that stupid monkey came along again and screeched at me.

'You filthy little ' I grabbed him and threw him down towards the water.

Which made the pirates look out of the window and up the stairs looking around if they could find someone.

Elizabeth and I were thankfully already on the ship hiding.

' Down the stairs' I mouthed towards Elizabeth. and we ran to the brig on the lowest level of the ship.

'SHH' I heard Gibbs say as they looked around. And saw me coming down the stairs with Elizabeth behind me.

'ITS ROSE!' He said.

Elizabeth and I opened the brig and they all came out.

Ana Maria hugged me tight.

'I knew you were a fierce girl' she smirked and we all ran up deck.

The two pirates were still looking over the railing to see what happened to the small monkey. When they got a dinghy against their head and they fell into the water.

'Come-on! We need to save Will and Jack!' I yelled at them and Elizabeth and I started pulling a dinghy towards the water.

But I noticed there were not more people trying to push with us.

'Really? ' I asked them

'I know it's the code but please..' they all shrugged.

'We love you Rose..

But this might be our death sentence and we have the pearl now.. ' Gibbs started

'Yes but Jack is still there?!' I said pointing towards the cave.

Ana Maria looked at me.

'I love you, but please don't make us do this. We got what we want now..'

And a few minutes later it was just me and Elizabeth rowing towards Isla the muerta. And we could see the Pearl sail off.

'Bloody pirates' I cursed under my breath. And we rowed a bit faster.

'I hope we're not to late' Elizabeth said.

We're almost at the epic battle!! 

I'm so hyped lol . I did my best to write it correctly like the movie but Rosemary got a nice part in it. So it's not what ur used to <3 

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