Chapter 12: The Interceptor vs The Black Pearl

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General POV

'GIBBS!' Will said as he runned towards the upper deck.

'We have to make a stand.'

'We must fight! LOAD THE GUNS!' Will screamed towards the crew.

'With what?!' Ana Maria asked him.

'We threw everything overboard.'

'Anything! Everything! Anything we have left!' Will said to her.

'Load the guns! Case shot and langrage!' Gibbs yelled towards the crew.

'Nails & Crushed glass! Everything we have left!' Gibbs jumped off the upper deck towards the crew.

All the crew members we're loading buckets full of silverwear and all kinds of stuff.

Marty was loading up a canon with knifes and spoons while Gibbs stood behind him taking a sip out of his flask.

To which Marty took it from him and pushed it into the cannon.

'The Pearl's gonna luff up on our port quarter!' Gibbs yelled.

'She'll rake us without presenting a target!. He jumped up towards Ana Maria and Elizabeth.

'Lower the anchor on the right side' Elizabeth said suddenly

'On the starboard side!' She yelled towards Gibbs.

'It certainly has the element of surprise. ' Will added looking at Gibbs.

'You're daft lady! You both are!' Ana Maria cursed

To which Gibbs grinned. 'Daft like Jack !'

'LOWER THE STARBOARD ANCHOR!' Gibbs Yelled towards the crew.


Will jumped up running towards the anchor to help the sailors lower it.

The anchor was stuck behind a rock. And the Interceptor turned fast.

'Let go!' Elizabeth yelled towards Ana Maria.

So she would let go of the helm.

Barbossa let go of his monkey

'THEY'RE CHUB HAULING!' he screamed towards his men.

'hard to port! Rack the starboard oars!'

The Pearl was also fastly turning

Which made Jack and Rose fall over.

Rose fell into the water on the ground. But Jack catched her before she could hit her head on the rusty bars.

'I'm all wet' Rose cursed.

'But at least you didn't hit your pretty head' Jack said smoothly.

'Wow real smooth Jack' Rose said while Jack was helping her up.

When she stood straight up he pulled her closer towards him.

Lifting her chin up with his fingertips.

Rose had her lips slightly parted and looked him straight into his eyes.

Wait a second Rose thought to herself. Was she really about to kiss Jack Sparrow. The Pirate that threatened her life.

But who also made her life 10 times more interesting and made her feel like she was an bad ass woman who can kick anyone's ass.

'I think I am falling for this older man with 'captain issues. ' she thought to herself.

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