Chapter 13: The Island

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General POV.

'Go puppet! Walk the plank! ' You could hear the pirates scream at Elizabeth.

Will was trying to get loose of the grip the pirates had on him.

'Barbossa, you lying bastard!' He spat at Barbossa.

'You swore they'd go free!'

'Don't dare impugn me honor, boy!' Barbossa spat.

'I agreed she'd go free, but it was you who specify when or where. 'He told Will

'Though it does seem a shame to lose something so fine, ' He said with an smirk.

Looking at Elizabeth and then to Rose who was standing next to him. Holded by 2 pirates.

He stroked his hand against her cheek. To which Rose turned her head away.

'So I'll be havin' that dress back before you go.' Barbossa said looking at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth turned towards Barbossa.

'Lizzy don't ' Rose begged. But she was already undressing herself in her underdress.

'Goes with your black heart.' Elizabeth spat at Barbossa while throwing him the dress.

'Ooh its still warm.' Barbossa smirked throwing the dress in the crew.

Elizabeth walked to the end of the plank. And looked at Will and then at Rose.

Rose gestured that she would follow her.

But before Elizabeth could turn around a pirate thought it took to long stomped on the plank which made Elizabeth fall.

Then they pushed Jack forward.

'I really rather hoped we were past all this.' He said.

Barbossa walked forward lying his arm around his shoulder.

'Jack. Jack.

Did you not notice. That be the same little island that we made you governor of on our last little trip.' He said looking towards the island.

'I did notice' Jack said while looking at the island and then turning around.

Rose looked up and listened towards their conversation.

So they're willing to bring him back to the same island they dropped him last time.

'That's Horrible ! ' Rose spat towards Barbossa and kicked the pirate behind her so she could walk forward.

' You really are a bunch of asshole's aren't you' Rose yelled at Barbossa.

She was almost with Barbossa when he turned around and grabbed her by her wrists.

'And you.. oh you Miss Rivers. Always a pleasure to see such a strong hearted woman. Sadly you need to wait a second you're after Jack' Barbossa said while throwing my wrists back down.

He walked towards Jack again.

'Perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous escape.

But I doubt it.

Off you go' Barbossa said while pointing his sword at Jack.

'Last time you left me a pistol with one shot.' Jack mumbled

'By the powers you're right.' Barbossa said.

'Where be Jack's pistol?

Bring it forward!'

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