Chapter 2 ' Captain' Jack Sparrow

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Rosemary's POV

As always the ceremony was incredibly dull.

Captain Norrington was actually promoted to commodore Norrington.

And I hated his guts. He was such an arrogant piece of shit.

And now Mr. Swann even promoted him for his arrogant behavior of his.

But it was a good match to marry into. I was always looking out for Elizabeth. And even if I hated Norrington's guts it was a good family to marry into. She would always be save.

So when the ceremony was over and Norrington asked if he could steal Elizabeth from me I nodded with a (fake) smile and gave her a quick pinch.

I had loosened Elizabeth's dress a little since she wasn't used to wearing one and I saw she was having a hard time.

So I decided to take a stroll over the docks. There was no further need for me to be at that party. I was walking back to my shop when I heard screaming so I runned as fast as I could in this dress. And saw a few soldiers standing with clothing in their hands.

'What in the world is going on here?!?'

'Its miss Swan, she fell down from the cliff miss Rivers'

'Excuse me what?!, and who is saving her?' I screamed at them while throwing away my umbrella and wanting to throw my dress over my head. To jump in to get her.

But when I wanted to get the dress over my head. I felt a hand pull on me. So I let out a small yelp. And saw that it was Captain I mean commodore Norrington and Mr. Swann.

' I need to save her!? No one is doing anything hello?!' I said full panic mode.

But by the time I was done screaming at Norrington I saw someone lift Elizabeth out of water. I snuck out of the embrace of a soldier and helped Elizabeth's savior help her on the dock. It was a raven haired man with a sun kissed skin and dreadlocks.

When we had her lied down on the dock I saw she wasn't moving or breathing at all.

'She's not breathing' a soldier said

'Get out of the way' I said pushing him away. I took his knife and cut open her corset and in a matter of a second. Elizabeth shot up coughing up water.

Her savior looked up at me with a asking look in his eyes.

'Tailor' I simply said while helping Lizzy up.

'I would never have thought of that' the soldier asked

'Clearly you've never been to Singapore' the braided haired man said.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle and he looked up at me. A smile appearing on his lips. His teeth were weird looking with some gold ones in between. I couldn't quite figure out what it was. But I didn't even have the time to thank him before Norrington had his guns on him. And Mr. Swann was covering Elizabeth up.

By then the realization hit me that my beautiful dress was at the bottom of the sea.

And I let out a small sob.

'Shoot him' I heard behind me.

'Excuse me?' I said while standing up in front of him.

'Do you really intend to kill the men who saved Elizabeth?'

Norrington looked at me with venom in his eyes. But told the soldiers to lower their weapons.

I let out a small breath. And I saw the braided haired men mouth his thanks to me. And I just let out a small smile.

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