Chapter 20: The hanging

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General POV.

It was an beautiful day in Port Royal the sun was shining bright.

Rosemary was awake early to change herself in her dress.

She put on beige tight pants and her boots. Before lacing myself in my dress.

She took Will's outfit and dropped it off in front of the blacksmith's.

She then took Elizabeth's dress and was about to walk towards the Swann house.

Before taking a turn and walking towards the brig.

She stood in front of the guards. Who held her.

'You can't go down there Miss.'

'I can do whatever the fuck I want' Rose said as she pushed him aside.

'Oh and don't tell the commodore cause you don't wanna know what happens if you tell him' Rose said as she took the gun out of her dress and pointed it towards him.

She laid her finger on her lips 'sssssh' she said with an wink.

She walked down the stairs and hid the gun again in her dress.

'Well well. That is functional' Rose heard a familiar voice say.

'Jack!' Rose exclaimed.

She took a small run towards his cell and sat in front of him on her knees.

'Don't make your dress all dirty for me' Jack said smirking.

Rose rolled her eyes.

'Are you not even happy to see me Jack~ ' Rose said with a smirk.

'I could hear you threaten that guard. That was quite something' Jack said looking her up and down.

'Will said I shouldn't come here. But I couldn't resist. I needed to see you one last time..' Rose gulped and looked at him.

'Oh Rose please' Jack rolled his eyes.

'You're in like Will why would you hide your gun under your dress anyway' Jack raised his eyebrow at him.

'I know that!' Rose rolled her eyes.

'But in case it doesn't work out..' She said as she got teary eyed.

'I don't wanna lose you Jack.. ' Rose said softly.

'Rose. Look at me' Jack said while lifting her chin.

'I'm Captain Jack Sparrow' he smirked at her.

'We can do anything' he said.

'I know ' Rose said as she stood up.

' I need to go dress Elizabeth. I'll see you there' she said with an wink.

'Not even a kiss?' Jack pleaded.

'We're gonna make it. You said it yourself you can wait a few hours longer' Rose winked at Jack before walking up the stairs. Past the guards.

And towards the Swann House.

Rose got Elizabeth up and dressed her.

Rose acted sad for the sake of Elizabeth. She didn't know anything of the plan Will and she created.

Elizabeth was about to marry the commodore.  And Will and Rose were not planning on staying.

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