Chapter 22: Finaly home.

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OKay i tried to find a picture or something fan art i could use of Jack kissing an OC or idk something lovely dovey. 

But i couldn't find anything! so i did this instead lol 

WATCHOUT. 18+ content.

General POV:

After catching up with all the crew. And especially Ana Maria.

Rose was getting tired. It was an eventful day. And she excused herself walking towards the captain's quarters.

Rose entered the quarters and closed the door behind her.

They should do a lot of redecorating here. Barbossa had a really bad taste Rose thought to herself.

She went to the small bathroom. And took her hair down.

She brushed it out with the brush laying there.

She then loosened the corset she was wearing and walked over to the closet searching for a blouse to wear.

'We really need to go to Tortuga for new clothes because this is just plain awful' Rose cursed to herself.

'I think I'll prefer you naked though' she heard Jack say.

'Take that grin of your face Sparrow' Rose said as she was still searching in the closet.

'Are you done for tonight?' Rose asked him while she had picked an old white blouse, closed the closet and was walking towards the bathroom again.

'A captain is never done sweetheart' Jack said as he took her arm. Turning her around to be in his embrace.

'What are you doing here then, Captain~ ' Rose said with a smirk. She took the hat of his head. And placed it on her own.

'They let me take the night off to be with you my dearest.' Jack said as he pushed the hat further on her head.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he then kissed her passionately.

He broke apart from Rose who whimpered by the loss of contact from Jack.

'Well well' Jack said smirking.

He let her go. So Rose stood there her lips rosy from the kissing they just did.

The blouse she was wearing was falling of her left shoulder. Exposing a lot of skin. And her breathing was unsteady.

'Let me just get some rum and I'll be right back Love' He said as he walked towards the door.

'And you better be wearing nothing but that hat when I come back' He said smirking before he opened the door and winking at her.

Rosemary's POV

Did he just say what I think he did? I was a small puddle from just that kiss they just shared.

I was wearing the hat. And I smirked.

This really is where I belong. She thought to herself.

I had a huge smile on my face when I walked back towards the bathroom and looked at the hat.

It looked fierce. I thought to myself.

i then took of my corset and let it slip of my body. i took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror.

i pulled of my boots and my pants. Leaving me in nothing but underwear.

'That's a no go. What if someone comes in' I cursed at myself.

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