To mend my boken spark

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Then the on bot I didn't want to see walked in. "Lunar is that you?"
Back to reality:

I turn around to see Optimus. While I try not to growl I look at him and say "Yes." I think I said that a little to blunt but what do you expect. He broke my spark for Primus' sake! Out of nowhere he asks "Why did you leave?" I was confused. Why was he worried about me? He and Elita were the ones together. Not me and him. I couldn't reply just stare at him confused. He looked at me waiting for my answer. All I said was "Because I had to." "That's not an answer, I want an answer. Why did you leave?" He asked. "To mend my broken spark." Was all I said then left to think.

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in a while but I have passed my writers block and I'm back! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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