Starlight ( final chapter )

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Ok guys this is the last chapter but don't worry there will be a sequel!!! Your welcome!! But as I said in the last (A/N) it will be started after I finish my story Electric Love.


I was walking around base when I felt something go down my leg. I looked down and gasped. I screamed for Optimus.

I saw him come in out of the corner of my optics but I wasn't paying attention. It started to hurt so I feel to my knees. Optimus came and picked me up.

He ran to the main room and yelled, " Ratchet!!"

"I'm here prime," Ratchet said, "what's the problem?"

"Sparkling is coming," I managed to croak before I screamed in pain.

Ratchet's optics widened. He rushed us into the med-bay. Optimus set me down on the medical berth and held my servo.

I screamed and Optimus squeezed my hand. Ratchet rushed over to me and put in I believe they are called IVS. I can't remember oh well.

" On three I need you to push. Ok. * I nod * ok. 1, 2, 3." Ratchet says.

I moan in pain as I push.

"Ok one more time. 1,2,3."

I moan again but then I her soft crying. Ratchet hands me my sparkling and I start crying.

" What should we name her?" Optimus asks me.

" Starlight," I said.

He nods smiling. Ratchet takes her to check to see she is healthy. He comes back and nods.

I take her and walk to the main room. After I show her to everyone I walk to our quarters. I was about to enter but I turned around and walked to my brothers' room.

I walked in and asked, " Do you want to meet your niece?"

Sunstreaker looked up and reached his servos out. I walked over and put Starlight in his servos. I laid down in between Sunstreaker and Sideswipe.

I then fell asleep to to Starlight's soft snoring with a small smile on my face....

Okay guys that's it for now I hope you all enjoyed the story. I will be sure to update you on anything on my profile, so make sure you check that out at least every once in a while to look for updates on the sequel and my story electric love I hope you all enjoyed!!



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