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Lunar's pov: (She has a British accent)(pic is her human look)

Me and my team were in jasper, Nevada when we bumped into 3 kids. 1 looked 17 another looked 15 and the last looked 12."omp I'm so sorry"I said. 'Omp where did that come from?' I thought "It's ok,I'm jack by the way."The 17 year old said while he put out his hand as if he wanted me to shake it."Im Lunar"i say while shaking his hand. The 15 year old said"Im miko!"after she said that she went to hug us all."and I'm Raphael but you can call me raf"said the 12 year old.

Then some random cars and a motorcycle came up. One car was a yellow camaro with a black racing stripe up and down the middle. The next was a full green SUV. Then the motorcycle was blue with some pink.Then the people who owned the vehicles came out or off of their vehicles. After they got off they stared at my gear and birth mark. I was wearing the autobot symbol from my home planet cyberton.

"How do you now about that symbol?" the girl who owned the motorcycle asked while pointing at my birth mark. "What do you mean,do u know something about it?" I said "just come with us you 6 please"she said."why should we" Foxer my second in command said.Her human name is Amber White.

"Amber we will go with"I said"but please tell us your names first""ok that seems fair,my name is Arcee"the girl who owned the motorcycle said.


Me and my adoptive sister Arcee were walking around the council building when Megatronus bursted out."Megatronus what is wrong?" I asked "My name is megatron and there shall be war on you autobots!!!" He said. Then Orion came out."Orian what happened?"we asked at the same time."the council made me and eclipse primes and my name is now Optimus prime." He said. "Wait back up a second did you say I'm a prime?" I asked. "Yes." He said."Then what's my name?"I asked."Your name is lunar prime." Then there was this white flash and when it faded I didn't see or feel any thing different."You now have been granted your matrix." He said

~~End of flashback~~

"Yo wakey wakey." Ashfire said. Her human name is Ashley fire."Arcee is that really you?"I asked."what do you mean?"she asked."Arcee it's me Lunar your sister."I said.

Ha ha cliffhanger.Any ways guys happy thanksgiving!!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆

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