I'm back from the dead

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This is the day Lunar comes back!!! But finds out something weird and good. Just read on to find out what happens. That's my key pad it's cool but glitchy. If you get the reference you rock. I love the YouTubers this reference is from.


I walked with Elita until I felt something pushing me back.

Elita turned around and yelled" Fight it Lunar!!"

"What is it?!?!?!" I asked.

"It's death pulling on you!!!" she replied, "But you need to fight it!! For your sparkmate, brothers, team, and your sparkling!!!"

"I'm sparked?!?!" I asked.

"Yes!!!" she yelled.

I remembered when some bots sparkbond they sometimes have a chance of getting a sparkling. I pushed harder and harder. I felt something kick in me. I know knew it was the sparkling.

I felt my self being dragged back but I kept fighting it the best I could. I saw Elita running at me but Alpha Trion and somebody else stopped her.

I was struggling to walk but I refuse to give up. I made it 3/4 of the way and I was almost there. Elita reached for me and I took it.

I went blind. We teleported to some sort of bright white room with black furniture. We all sat on chairs and there was a silence.

"So I'm guessing the new guy is Primus," I said.

Elita looked at me I shock.

"Reincarnation of Primus here," I said while pointing to myself.

She face palmed and said," Of course."

" Can I talk to her alone real quickly?" Primus asked the 2. They only nodded and walked out.

"Lunar," Primus said," as you have been told you are sparked. This now means that you are not allowed on to the battle field.*I nod* Since you lived in the human world for a while this means that you will have the same 'problems' as some would call them. Now I think Elita would like to talk to you."

He got up and hugged me "If you ever need me just call my name, in your head of course," he whispered. I hugged back and smiled.

Elita came in and started squealing, "I'm going to be an aunt!!!"

"Yes," I said.

The wind started churning. She sighed and said," Your waking up."

"We can talk in my dreams," I said. ( that sounded creepy )

I closed my optics and re opened. Optimus was right in my face. I poked his face plates. He picked me up and spinned me around. When he put me down he kissed me.

It wasn't rough or needy kiss. It was a sweet and soft kiss. I actually liked it. ( that sounded creepy )

We parted and stood there. I then felt the sparkling kick. This time it was hard. Optimus looked at me worried.

I looked up smiled and said "I'm sparked."

Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Now question time!!!

1. Are you happy?

2. What should be the sparkling's gender?

3. What are some name you guys request?

Also comment to get a chance to be in the next chapter!!



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