Forgiving and reviling

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The cake has nothing to do with the chapter I just thought it was cool.

I walked away after they apologized. I was satisfied with their apology and could hear them all mingling. All except one voice.

I heard ped steps behind me. I turn around to see Optimus. I sighed and remembered what Elita said.

You must forgive....

Then I heard her voice say something new.

Tell him your his true sparkmate.

Ok, I will. Optimus knocks me out of my thoughts when he says, "Lunar I need to talk with you." "Ok," I respond.

"Lunar me and Elita were never dating. Those were all just rumors. I only asked Elita to help me with your birthday party. I never meant for things to go that far. When Arcee found the note I was broken. I just wish for you to forgive me," Optimus said.

"I forgive you," I said "Thank you," he said. "But I have something to tell you," I said. " Very well. You listened to me it is only fair that I listen to you," he said.

"Optimus in my note I said something about my true sparkmate, and my true sparkmate is you," I said.

Cliffhanger!!! Sorry to leave you at that by I had to 1) it's a good cliffhanger 2) you get to guess his reaction so put the reaction you think he is going to have in the comments and 3) my fingers are cramping from typing


~ YourLittleWriter

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