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The pic has nothing to do with the chapter. I'm finally out of school but I'm going it miss all of my friends. I'm also going to miss my friends that are going to high school. When I saw them dressed up I started crying. I can get really emotional.


I was walking around base when I bumped into someone. I was waiting for impact with the floor but it never came. I opened my optics to see Optimus had caught me.

"I apologize sweet spark," he said.

I smiled slightly and nodded. I took his servo and dragged him to the med bay where Ratchet was waiting for me. I opened the door and Optimus closed it behind him. I was practically jumping to Ratchet. Today was the day we found out the gender of the sparkling.

"Ratchet~," I sang.

He turned towards me and scanned me. I felt tingles go through me. I shivered because it tickled. Ratchet turned to his computer to look at the data.

After what seemed like an eternity he turned around and said, " the sparkling is a femme and she is very healthy."

I squealed so loud I think the whole base heard. I ran out the room squealing like a mad woman. They all looked at me like I was crazy. Optimus came out of the med bay and caught me. He spun me around and we were grinning like crazy.

"Hold on what's going on?" Arcee asked.

"Me and Optimus are having a femme," I told her.

She squealed like I had. She tore me from Optimus' hug and squeezed me. I laughed at how she was acting because it wasn't like her at all.

I went back to Optimus and we walked to our berth room.

"I love you Lunar," Optimus said.

"I love you too Optimus," I said and I ment it.

I then drifted of in to a peaceful sleep listening to Optimus' spark beat.

I hope you all enjoyed it!! Comment femme names and yours might be chosen!!



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