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Hey guys here is your update! Sorry about the cliff hanger I just couldn't resist!! ENJOY!!!!
Sunny's pov.:

Me and Sides landed on the planet earth. Not my dream destination. I am going to ruin my paint job. Those humans better not touch me. We landed on the outskirts of Jasper, Nevada, a dusty town.

" I'm going to get dust all over me! "I yelled.

"Stop complaining Sunny," Sides said.

We stepped out the ship to be greeted by Optimus. He called for a ground- bridge. We were greeted with Ratchet yelling, "BE QUITE!!!"The room fell silent.

"Thank you. As I was saying Lunar is not in a critical state. But she might be asleep for a while," Hatchet said.He looked at us and cursed.

"Can we see her?" Me and Sides asked in unison.

"Yes you may," Hatchet said.

We walked into the med bay and saw she had a hole in her tanks. We walked to her and I held one hand and Sides held the other. Hatchet left us alone with her.

We started to glow. Me and Sides had the same idea. " Sibling bond," We gasped.( bet you didn't see that coming!)

We saw all of our sparks bond. She moaned as if in pain or tiredness. The hole in her tanks disappeared. She opened her optics and smiled at us.

We all hugged and laughed. Ratchet came running in and saw us hugging. he looked shock and asked "How?"

"What can I say? I'm a soldier." she replied with a smile.

She snuggled in to Sides and I and fell asleep. We both laid back and fell asleep with her.

Wow! Who would have thought that the twins would be her brothers. I sure wouldn't have if I wasn't writing this story!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!



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