The talk

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After we got all the enegon I went over to the kids. "Kids come with me," I said. I transformed and they got in.

"Where are you going?" Ratchet asked. "To talk to the kids," I responded than drove off.

~~back at base~~

Optimus just walked in when she drove off. Arcee knew that he thought she was leaving and not coming back. "Don't worry Prime she's just talking to the kids," Arcee said. " Her team is sleeping in their quarters," she added. Optimus nodded and went to help Ratchet.

~~back with Luna~~

"Kids what were you thinking?" I ask them after transforming. "It wasn't their fault!" Miko yelled. "It was mine, I wanted to watch the battle and get some sweet pics!" she added. "Child please don't do that again. It was very risky and you could have gotten killed. You are lucky I noticed you before the Decepticons did," I said. I transformed and they got in.

We got back to base about 30 mins. later. On the way we discussed that thx are going to say sorry. They got out and I transformed. I nudged them with the front of my ped gently.

"We're sorry," the kids said in unison. "It's ok we're just glad you're all safe," Optimus said.


Hey guys sorry for no updates lately I'll try and get some more as drafts for when I can't upload some because I have to much homework but now I'm on spring break!!


~ YourLittleWriter

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