Never take Miko's advice

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You should listen to the song. It's one of my favorites!
'-----' thoughts or Elita
"___" words out loud
Hope you all enjoy!!


When I woke up I felt tear stains on my helm. I felt someone behind me. I turned my head a little but only saw a shadow. I was about to scream when the face cleared up.

' Oh it's just Optimus '

I looked down to see his arms were around me. I carefully took them off of me. Just when I was going to get up something grabbed my wrist. I looked down to see Optimus looking at me.

"Where are you going," he asked me. "To the mall with Miko," I lied. The truth is me and Miko are going to ride down mountains super fast. I believe she called it dune bashing. ( correct me if I'm wrong )

He looked at me as if trying to tell if I'm lying. He was about to say something. But before he could say anything I walked out of the room. ' Like a boss 😎😎 '

I walked into the main room and transformed. Miko got in and I put metal to the pedal. In my rear view mirror I could see Ratchet looking at me weird me and Miko just laughed.

"Did you see his face he was like: 😒 it was hilarious!" she yelled. "I wish I could have tooken a picture," I said. "When we get back are you sure they won't notice the dirt on me?" I asked "Ya, just in case I advise you to play dumb," she said "ok" I replied.

~~~~2 hours later~~~~

"That was so fun!" Miko yelled. I hummed a yes. When we came in and everyone looked at my dirty alt mode. "What?" I asked. They just looked at me. Miko got out and I transformed. Optimus came in and looked at me with this: 😐 expression.

"What?" I asked. "Lunar you have dirt and dust all over you," Optimus said. "I do?" I asked. I looked down and pretended to be surprised. "Lunar you are a very bad lier," he said. "Where did you really go," he asked.

I looked down to Miko and she nods. I looked at Optimus and said "We went dune bashing" He looked at me with a worried expression,but I walked away

Mental notes
1. forgive people more
2. apologize to Optimus
3. never go dune bashing when you just got polished
4. Get better at lying
5. get kids their snow cones
6. never take Miko's advice ever

Hey guys here is another chapter for today! Hope you all enjoy!!!!

SEE YOU LATER!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ YourLittleWriter

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