Lunar's new looks

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The colors are all correct except the techno organic. The colors are supposed to be black and blue.

Later that day I went to the kids. "I apologize for forgetting your snow cones," I said. "lets go get some now," I added.

When I transformed they came running down the steps. Optimus came in and looked at me. I formed my holo-form and said, "snow cones and to get stuff." I opened my doors and put my alt mode in gear. Of course I'm driving, but in my holo-form.

The kids got in and I drove off. We pass a motorcycle and I scanned it. We stopped at a snow cone stand and got them snow cones .

I went to a nearby target and went to the hair dye and got black. We went to the next aisle and got the rest of the hair stuff. I went to the clothes aisle and got new clothes. We then went to the register and payed.We put this all in my alt mode's trunk and got in.

We went to Jack's house and went to the bathroom. We dyed my hair and put in the accessories. I went into the living room and got my new clothes. I walked back into the bathroom and changed.

I walked out and all 3 of them gasped. "You're beautiful!" Miko yelled. I nodded to say thanks. I was happy about my holo-form's new look. We threw away the dye and my old clothes. We walked over to my alt mode and got in.

I drove out into the desert and opened my doors. They got out and I transformed from bot to predecon to cyber-wolf to techno organic to bot again.

"Wow," they said in unison. I looked down and put my hand down. They got on my hand and I walked back to base.

When we got to base I put them on the platform. All 4 of us plus Bee watched t.v. until they had to leave.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I love you all to bits!


~ YourLittleWriter

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