Old rivles new friends

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Lunar's pov.
~~end of flashback~~
It's about 5 minuets after my last flashback and we are going to their base. Now here me out I was not ecsided to see optimus at all.I mean after our past you can understand,right? Anyways back to the present.hhhmmm, oh yea,so we are all on or in our alt mods going to there base.

--time skipy--
So we are at their base.Yay.Not.The minute we get inside Ratchet says,"Ugh more humans?"I reply with,"Ratchet not to seem mean but shut up."He looks at me shocked.When he recovered he asked,"How do you know my name?"Then we turned into our cybertonian forms.(Luna is actually all black with a blue stripe)Then the one bot I didn't want to see walked in.

"Lunar is that you?"Optimus asked.

Hey guys the pic is Lunar's real alt mode

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