Fnaf 2 (pt. 2)

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Sadly if I ever got drunk that would be me. LOL!! Hope you enjoy. The music is to set the mood. That just made me sound like a stalker. I need to stop stalling. here is your chapter!!!


Miko came over to me and held up her laptop. It was a game. Fnaf 2 to be exact. With the 6th night loaded.

"I don't know Miko...." I said.

"Please!!!!!" Miko begged.

I caved "Fine," I sighed.

"Yes!!" she exclaimed.

I transformed and formed my holo-form. I walked up to the platform and sat on the couch next to Miko.

"Here goes nothing," I muttered

~~~~~ten minutes later at 5am~~~~~

It looked like I was going to make it!! Bonnie popped out nowhere. I shrieked so loudly you could hear it from across base. People and bots looked at me.

I slammed my hand down on the mask button. I almost broke the keyboard. It turned to 6am and I shrieked with joy.

Of course the game had to ruin everything. It displayed the custom night settings. I frowned.I sat down and started to play. I started to sing Die in a fire by the living tombstone:

"I really hate you

Stop getting in my way

I've lost my patience

When are you gonna decay

I want to throw you out

Just like my broken TV

If you come back once more

It shall be painful you'll see

I hope you die in a fire

Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart

Hope you get shot and expire

Hope you'll be taken apart

Hope this is what you desire


It's almost over

Why can't you just let it fly

Don't be afraid

It's not the first time you'll die

Your mechanical parts click

Sounds like when I broke you bones

Once I get my second chance

I won't leave you alone

I hope you die in a fire

Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart

Hope you get shot and expire

Hope you'll be taken apart

I hope you die in a fire

Hope you'll be stabbed in the heart

Hope you'll get shot and expire

Hope you'll be taken apart

Hope this is what you desire


I hope you die in a fire "

When I ended the song I saw I won the cupcake challenge. I looked around to see everyone staring at me.

"Dude you never told us you could sing!!" Miko yelled.

"I never like my singing," I replied shyly.

" Why? Your really good at singing," Raf said.

I shrugged," Don't know."

"Well you should sing more you have a good voice," Jack said.

I smiled "maybe I will."

Hope you all enjoyed. It took me a while to do the lyrics.



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