Asdf movies gone wrong

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The only people/bots not joining is Ratchet, Agent Fowler, and Mrs. Darby. Also the pic is the bots holo-forms. Enjoy!!!


It was just another day without decepticons. Most of the bots and humans were watching Asdf Movies. Than Ratchet banned them. Let's go back to earlier.

~~ Earlier ~~

"Miko lets get the bots and humans to reenact the Asdf Movies," I told her.

"Ya!!!" she yelled.

We walked over to Jack and Raf and yelled, "Asdf Movies!!!!"

They smiled and nodded. Optimus came into the room and I ran to him. He smiled and hugged me.

"Optimus I need your help," I said.

"With what sweetspark?" he asked.

"Reenacting Asdf movies," I said.

"No," he said.

I pouted "pwease," I begged.

He looked at me and caved. He sighed, "Fine."

I squealed and launched myself at him. Luckily he caught me.

"Yay!!!" I yelled.

I got onto my peds and kissed him. He held me close to him as if he would lose me if he let go.

I pulled away and walked away. I guess you could say I'm teasing him. I heard a low growl. I smirked.

~~ 10 mins. Later ~~

We set up everything up and got ready. I was with Miko and Raf, and we started.

~~ couple hours later ~~

Miko and all of them were about to do the flop onto a mattress. Miko missed and pulled me down with her.

I screamed in pain as I landed on my stomach. I rolled onto my back withering in pain.

I turned of my hologram and transformed. I was holding onto my tanks while I was sprawled out on the floor.

I was breathing heavily and moaning in pain. I could feel myself starting to cry. Miko was running around screaming sorry on the top of her lungs.

Sunny and Sides started running to me but Optimus was faster. He picked me up and ran me to the med-bay.Then I blacked out.


So I woke up and Asdf movie reenactments were banned. Luckily there was no Miscarriage and the sparkling is fine.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long I've been busy. But here is your update. I hope you enjoyed.



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