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"Optimus talking will have to wait. The Decepticons are on the move again." Ratchet said. "Ratchet me an the girls can handle this," I said. "Ok I'm ground bridging you there" he replied. "Lets go girls! We got some cons' to crush!" I yelled. " Back in business!" Aquafire yelled. "Let's blow some cons'!" Yelled Katniss and Rocket. "Let's do this!" Yelled Foxer, Bluesun, and Skyrider. Then we all ran through the ground bridge.

We came out to an energon mine. It was filled with Decepticon miners. Then some bot caught my optics. It was...........MEGATRON!!!!!
With.....wait is that.....STARSCREAM!!!! How in Primus' name did they get all this equipment? Then Megatron looked right at me and in the optics...Shit. He then started to fire at us along with all the Decepticons in the mine. We jumped out from the rocks. I ran straight at Megaton with my sword out ready to strike. The funny thing is he actually thought I was going to hit him with my sword. Instead I did a back flip and hit his head up with my feet. It would have knocked one of the miner's heads off but Megatron is not a miner. He is stronger but it would still hurt him. At that moment I heard a ground bridge open. I turned around to see who was coming. Big mistake. Megatron took that as a chance to grab my ankles and pick me up from the floor. Now I'm hanging upside down. I saw that Optimus and his team was there. Then I saw movement behind them. I looked closer and saw Miko, Jack, and Raf. I tried to move my legs but couldn't. Then I remembered that my hands weren't tied together. I took my hands and put them on Megatron's legs. I then yanked as hard is I could. Megatron's then fell and I jumped free. "Retreat!" He yelled. The left into their own ground bridge.

We took as much energon we could and returned back to base.

Here is another chapter! Hope you all enjoy!


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