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2 updates in 1 day!!! Hope you enjoy!!!!! 😄😄😄😄


"Pie!!!" The kids yelled. Katniss and I walked over to them.

"What is pie?" I asked.

They looked at me and gasped. " You've never had pie?" I shook my head no.

"Is it wrong to not have pie?" I asked. They nodded their heads quickly.

"Where can I get this so called pie?" I asked.

"Transform we can go by some," Jack said.

I nodded and transformed. Jack got on and put his helmet on and we went to the store. He came out with a circle like thing.

When we got to base and we sat on the couch. Of course I was in me holo-form.

"This is a pie," Jack said "It is a food or desert."

"Ok so I eat it," I said.

"Yes, and you use a fork or spoon." He said. He handed me a fork and a slice.

At that moment Ratchet came in and screamed as I took a bite. This is why when I was human I never ate sweets also the reason I didn't know what pie was.

I was bouncing off the walls in my holo-form. Ratchet was shrieking loudly. Optimus and the twins came in wide opticed.

------------1 hour later-------------
3rd person pov:

Lunar had passed out 5 seconds earlier and everyone was relieved. Sunstreaker picked her up and went to his room.

Sunstreaker was always protective of Lunar, even before they found out they were siblings. Now that they know they are siblings he's going to be even more protective.

He walked to his room and laid her down. He laid down next to her and fell asleep.

O MY PRIMUS!!!!? 2 updates in 1 day!!!! Hope you enjoyed!!!



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