Broken yet mending

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As I walked down the hall as I cried. I cried and tried to stop but I couldn't. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Arcee. At that moment I fell to my knees crying. I just couldn't hold it in. All the girls came running down the hall. Foxer, Katniss, Rocket, Skyrider, Aquafire, and Bluesun. They all surrounded me while I sat there crying. I then started to drift off to somewhere unknown to me.I heard their voices but mine wouldn't work. Then everything went black.

~~in her dream~~

"Lunar" A soft voice said. "Who's there" I replied. "Lunar you must forgive"it said. Then out on nowhere Elita-1 showed up. "Elita what are you doing here?" I asked. "Please forgive Optimus" She said."He wasn't dating me" "He wasn't?" I asked. " No Lunar he wasn't. He asked me to help plan your birthday party. But then bots started to start rumors that we were dating. We were hoping that it wouldn't reach you,but it did. I knew he was destined to be your sparkmate so I tried to stop the rumors, but I was to late." After all that she said I was once again confused. I felt my spark starting to hurt. I was broken yet mending."Lunar I will always be with you. Though I have passed we are still like sisters."She said "Yes we are sisters." I replied. Then everything went white.

~~end of dream~~

I wake up to see I'm on a medical berth. I look around to see nobody around. Then I remembered what Elita had said.
Lunar you must forgive
Then it hit me. I knew what she meant. I held a grudge to Optimus for"dating" Elita. I got up and ready to walk out of the room when remembered something. I'm broken yet mending. I then started to walk when Arcee came crashing through the door. She was crying. When I mean crying I meant she was bawling her optics out. She saw me then her tears became tears of joy. I looked at her and hugged her. The girls came through the door and joined in on our hug. I love these girls with all my spark.

At that point Optimus came in and said "Lunar I need to talk to you," he said. Like I said;
Broken yet mending
Hey guys it's another chapter hope you all enjoy.


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