Angel with a shotgun!!

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Hope you all enjoy!! It may not be long depending on what device you're using. I also have an arm problem right now but here is your chapter!!


I woke up with my helm on Optimus' chest. I saw he was asleep and left silently. I looked at the time to see it was 5 am. I sighed ant went to the top of the base. I looked at the sun rise and smiled to my self.

' It's beautiful ' I told Elita.

' I must agree ' she replied.

She appeared next to me with a smile.

"I'm so proud of you Lunar," she said.

I'm pretty sure I blushed because she laughed at me.

"Thanks," I said.

"For what?" she asked.

"For everything," I replied," You've been there for me my whole life. For that I'm greatful."

She smiled and stood. She stretched her servo out and I took it. She helped me up and I felt a presence coming up. She must of felt it to because she disappeared. My back was to them so I had no clue who it was.

They put their servos on my hips. By the size of the servos I could tell it was Optimus.

"What are you doing up Lunar, the kids do not come until 9 o'clock," he asked.

I turned around and shrugged. I stood on the tips of my pedes and kissed him. He kissed back and it was perfect.

~~Time skip to 9:30~~

We went back to the main room servos intertwined. I saw Miko and she waved my to go over there. I kissed Optimus on the cheek and walked to Miko.

" I have a song for you to sing," she said, " It's called Angel with a shotgun."

I picked her and her stuff up. I walked into and empty room and put her down. I transformed and activated my holo-form. We set up and started.

~Start of song~

I'm an angel with a shotgun shotgun shotgun

An angel with a shotgun shotgun shotgun

Get out your guns

Battles begun

Are you a saint or a sinner?

If loves a fight then I shall die

With my heart on a trigger

They say: "Before you start a war,"

"You better know what you're fighting for!"

Well, baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need a solider I shall be

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting till the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back!

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I

Want to live, not just survive


Sometimes to win, you've got to sin

Don't mean I'm not a believer

And Major Tom will sing along

Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer!

They say: "Before you start a war,"

"You better know what you're fighting for!"

Well, baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need, a solider I will be

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting till the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back!

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I

Wanna live, not just survive


~long space of music~

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting till the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back!

I'm an angel with a shotgun

Fighting till the wars won

I don't care if heaven won't take me back!

I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe

Don't you know you're everything I have?

And I

Want to live, not just survive


And I'm gonna hide hide hide my wings tonight!

Before you start a war,

You better know what you're fighting for!

Well, baby, you are all that I adore

If love is what you need a solider I will be

~End of song~

I panted trying to catch my breath. I heard clapping so I looked up. I saw everyone clapping. I smiled still panting.

Optimus looked at me concerned. I just gave him a thumbs up. They all left so now it was just me and Optimus. I got out of my holo-form and transformed. I felt the sparkling kick and I smiled while holding my tanks.

"2 more months," I told Optimus while walking to the main room smiling.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I want to congratulate my sister she is graduating today!!! Remember to comment femme names and you have a chance of yours getting picked!!



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