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No matter what was in the beginning, one thing is always certain, it is what happens next that matters the most. 

Two men walked together, heading to the chamber. One held a calm stance, the other was more serious. Both were on a mission and had given the order. This was to be their next greatest possession. It was the stroke of luck they needed to start planning their next moves.

"You sure the thing is only out cold? Is it really still alive after that? I mean, it looked like it was shredded from that fall."

"I'm sure. We have its vital signs. It will grow stronger and we will control it."

"I'm not comfortable with playing with something like this. What if it's some sort of movie monster freak that can invade bodies or something?" 

"We will learn how to make it useful. I'm not going to dispose of something so unique. This could be the key to everything we would ever want." 

"I don't like it. We should just kill it and use it as some freaky drone. Something as ugly as that will scare the shit out of any man."

"You are too brash to disregard the potential in this. We will keep it well contained until we get any further information on the creature." The two arrived at the chamber holding a strange being. They studied it together for a moment. 

"Are you sure about this, Grail?" 

"More sure than I have ever been before." The man looked at the creature with confidence and no sign of fear. "This will make us the most powerful people in the world someday. I am sure of that."

Twisted in Ties (Loki x OC)Where stories live. Discover now