Chapter 4

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Izetta's POV

We packed it up and got Loki on the jet. I joined Tony and Mr. Rogers, changing back into my human form as we were brought back to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s base. I couldn't wait to get there. This was so exciting! I was going to get to see an actual flying airship base! This was the best day ever! However, I quickly got the feeling I was the only one enjoying myself.

"I don't like it," Mr. Rogers started. I listened as he and Tony talked.

"What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?"

"I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop."

"Still, you are pretty spry for an older fellow," Tony remarked. "What's your thing, Pilates?"


"It's like calisthenics. You might've missed a couple things, ya know, doing time as a Capsicle." 

"Fury didn't tell me he was also calling you in. I thought he only wanted Izetta." 

"Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." 

"Why would he only want me? Tony taught me everything I know! Also, I like your suit, Captain! I think flashy can be really great depending on how it's portrayed. Plus, I like the representation, of course. It's nice to meet you, Sir!" He looked back at me.

" too." I smiled at him.

"I bet this is fun for you! Being on a mission again! I know it might've been hard to miss it if you weren't awake, but still! This is my first big mission. What was yours? What was it like back then? No technology is kinda hard for me to envision, ya know? Especially since I don't remember a lot from before...was it eight or nine years ago, Tony? I forget. Time kinda blended together back then." 

"Ten including our year together if you want to get specific, kiddo." I nodded.

"Right, right."

"Are you always this curious?" Rogers asked.

"It's one of the reasons Tony said I'm a Gemini! I like to learn! It's fun! Plus, the more you know, the more you can share! I like sharing stories, mostly. Making people smile is always the best, isn't it? It's why I like to sing and dance! Everybody loves a party, right?" 

"Kid, slow down. Old man's gonna have a hard time keeping up." I rolled my eyes. 

"Sorry about him. He can get a little presumptuous." 

"Now that's mean," Tony said. I giggled.

"What? You're always bragging about everything." 

"I do not. I am constantly praising myself for all my accomplishments, one of them being you." I held my head high. 

"I am my own accomplishment!" 

"That's right, kiddo. You sure are. Well, at least 50% of your own, anyway."

"Well, that's way more than the twelve you gave Pepper for Stark Tower." He smiled at me and ruffled my hair. "Hey! I said not the hair, Tony!"

"Oh relax. Learn to take the edge off, Izz."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Then, I thought of something. "Hey, Tony? Am I gonna get to help with all the fancy tech on the airbase? Can I play music while we work? I found a song I really like! Wanna hear it? I can sing it really well!"

"Izz, everyone here is at a level five right now and you're at a twelve. Take it down a few notches."

"Can I stay at a seven?"

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