Chapter 8

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Tony's POV

"Stark!" I was surprised as Agent Romanoff came in. "Have you seen Izetta?"

"No, why?"

"We aren't seeing her on the cameras."

"What's the big deal? She's just off looking around. We've got everything covered here," Banner tuned in.

"The big deal is we have to keep her away from Loki!" I paused.

"You just said she wasn't on cameras?"

"No, we have nothing!"

"Announce it over speakers, send her back here. I'll see what I can dig up." 


"You really think Loki is a threat to her?" Banner asked after Romanoff left. "You said the kid's tough. Why should we worry about her? If anything, I'd be more worried about Loki."

"Loki's not as strong, but he's smart and I don't want her anywhere near him. Her mind's a welcome matt for him and I plan to burn that matt before he even reaches it."

Izetta's POV

I walked along, happily looking around. This place really didn't run out of rooms to explore! I was way too happy just wandering around. I was also using some of the echoes of the ship for singing. I was having a blast!

I kept walking along in my human form, dancing a little as I walked along. I was heading to the other end of the ship, but I ended up taking one wrong path. I hadn't even noticed how close I was to a certain room. If I had, maybe things would've been different. Then again, I don't know if I wanted different or not. 

"That's cool but if my friends ask where you are I'm gonna say: She went down in an airplane! Fried getting sun-tanned! Fell in a cement fixer full of quicksand~! Help me, help me! I'm no good at goodbyes~! She met a-"

"Even when you aren't trying, you still manage to wander back into the jaws of the beast." I gasped as I heard a voice. I turned, realizing that I was just outside of Loki's cell room again. Oh shit. I went this way again!? I was confused when he stood up. "Hello. We meet again," He took a slight bow. "M'lady."

Against my better judgment, I walked closer. I was still skeptical of him. Why is he acting weird? Well, weirder than before, I mean. "What? Afraid I'll bite from in here?" He asked. I glared at him slightly.

"I just might be," I replied. "After all, I don't like your definition of 'bite'."

"Well now, you can't blame me. You came here willingly." 

"Why do I have a feeling you wanted that?" He chuckled.

"Or maybe you did." I looked away. I had to admit, there was something about him that both pushed you away and pulled you in at the same time. Right now, I couldn't tell which one he was trying to do. "I must ask, just what exactly were you even doing around here?" 

"Looking around. I've found that knowing an area is very helpful if you need to start getting from point A to point B in record time." He grinned.

"Well, maybe you're smarter than I gave you credit for." I growled a little. 

"You clearly aren't if you have the guts to say that." 

"Well, even if I'm imprisoned, this glass still protects me from you. And I doubt any of your...comrades would be happy if you acted so brashly." I leaned against the wall, crossing my arms. 

"What exactly are you trying to achieve by talking to me like this?" I asked. He paused for a second. "Everything a guy like you does is for a reason. So what's your big goal with me? You aren't gonna get anywhere." 

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