Chapter 78

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Izetta's POV

Valkyrie walked in first and Thor followed close behind as we saw him sitting there with a golden chain around himself. I was instantly tense. I hated this. I couldn't stand being in the same room as him anymore. Call me petty if you want, but if you know the feeling of what being stabbed in the back like that is like, then I also have a feeling you get what I'm going through.

"Surprise~" He said less than enthusiastically. Thor grabbed a can and threw it at him, hitting him in the forehead. "Ow."

"Just had to be sure." I followed Thor off to the side after Valkyrie as Bruce instead walked closer to Loki.

"Hello, Bruce," He said with a grin.

"So, last time I saw you, you were trying to kill everybody. Where are you at these days?"

"It varies from moment to moment." Bruce backed away a little. I growled at Loki, my eyes turning over.

"Yeah, we've noticed," I grumbled angrily and Bruce looked up.

"Uh...I'm not the only one sensing some history there, right?"

"Don't ask," I grumbled.

"...So I was right?" He whispered to Thor.

"Yes, but even I'm not entirely sure, still."

"Can you idiots just drop it!?" I shouted.

"Whoa, whoa! Take it easy! Let's not rile up Banner!" I saw that he was at the counter getting food.

"Yeah, I'd say he's fine, Thor."

"Just a suggestion..." He replied quietly. I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I'm quite interested in this too, to be honest," Valkyrie added.

"Oh for the love of-" 

"Let's just stay on topic," Thor interjected.

"Thank you!" Of course, my luck didn't pan out as Silk suddenly popped out of my necklace and raced over to Loki. He looked surprised. He looked over at me.

"You still wear it?" I glared at him, growling as a warning as my eyes remained turned over. Keeping them as their hybrid form had become second nature to me when I was trying to be in a position of authority sometimes. Plus, I was just mega pissed at him and wanted him to know it.

"Or not," Thor muttered.

"It's none of your damn business," I hissed. Silk flinched. He floated around Loki as if trying to get me to go closer to him. "Cut it out, Silk! Come here!" He flinched and I sighed. "Silk, please go back into the jewel." Silk looked torn, but he came back over to me and disappeared back into my necklace.

"Why does he like Loki?" Bruce asked.

"It's nothing."

"Well, it's not uncommon for Guardian Spirits to be loyal to two people. The most common reason why is because-" Thor paused. I felt my heart start to race as I saw the wheels in his head turning. Loki looked away and so did I.



"He gave you that!?" Thor's conclusion made Bruce spit out his food, coughing as he yelled out,

"What!?" Valkyrie grinned, clearly enjoying this more than she should've.

"Oh, that explains a lot!"

"GUYS! What part of not now do you not understand!?" I yelled, seething at all of them at this point.

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