Chapter 50

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Izetta's POV

As everyone was preparing, I decided to go over to the twins. If we were going to have to work together, I wanted to at least try to make things right. I knew this was going to be awkward, but hopefully, I could pull off what I always did. I had to find some common ground.

"Hello." They turned to me. "Uh, sorry. Is this changing room taken? There wasn't a sign with your names on it outside," I joked.

"What do you want?" Pietro asked.

"...Maybe to make a friend?" I said unsurely. "Listen, um...I don't know everything about you and I know that we're very different. Stark saved your eyes, he destroyed the world you knew. I...I understand we're wildly different, but now we have to put that aside and work together," I told them. "So...I guess I'm hoping that I can get off on the right speedy or weird foot this time." 

"...You are not like Stark." I could tell Wanda was reading me. "You have gone through much." 

"...Hey, uh, don't pick apart too much, alright?" I asked respectfully.

"Why are you the one who wishes to speak with us?" Pietro asked. I shrugged.

"It's in my nature, buddy." I walked over to him. "So...I ask you to forgive me. To forgive us. From the bottom of my heart, no matter who or what started this, I'm sorry. I know you never should've gone through that, and I can't tell you how sorry I am that you did. Believe me..." I had found the common ground. I offered my hand to Wanda. "...I know." She took it and gasped. I smiled sadly, feeling her go through the memories of my mother, my father, and my siblings.

"...You lost them all." I nodded.

"I lost my family. I lost my home. I lost my memory... I was wiped clean and then my curiosity made it collapse in on me all over again," I explained. "So...will you help us?" I asked. They said nothing, but I could see the looks in their eyes. "Will you make them proud by being better? By being heroes?" Pietro stepped forward.

"We will do whatever it takes." I smiled.

"Then let's do this," I held out my hand to him. "together." He smiled. I held out my other hand to Wanda. "All of us." She smiled too and they both shook my hands. "Pietro, Wanda," I began. "Welcome to the Avengers."

"Don't push it, sweetheart," Pietro said. I chuckled.

"Sorry. That's the hero in me. Or the dumbass. You decide." He chuckled.

"I like you." I smiled at him.

"Thanks! I'm glad I could change your mind!" 

"Not completely, but it's a good start." 

"I'll take it." We headed off and joined the others on the jet. We headed to Sokovia again. I could feel the same feeling from the last time we did this. Off to save the world again. This feeling will never get old or less terrifying, but I guess I have to learn how to get used to it.

"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And that's what we signed up for. But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace, and that's not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right." As Steve finished his speech, I stood up, transforming and shaking off my wings.

"...Then let's give it all we got to prove him wrong, people. Whatever we are, whoever we were, wherever we've been, whatever we've done, all of doesn't matter today. What matters is what's ahead. What matters is that we do this as a team." I looked at Vision, Wanda, and Pietro. "Every single one of us." 

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