Chapter 1

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??? POV

It began with chains and behind bars. Everything around me was forced. I was used and tested. My body felt constantly broken and bled out of everything I had in me. I didn't even feel like I was anything but a tool, a weapon, a spy, or just whatever pathetic thing they wanted me to be. In the end, my life boiled down to pain, fear, subjugation, and imprisonment. I was nothing and it almost felt like I wasn't even alive.

I remembered nothing of what my life was before. I couldn't remember. For all I knew, I had been created there. They had done this to me and now I was only whatever they told me I was. Every day ended with my body almost unable to function and every day began with the fear of it only getting worse. 

That was until I was finally told to go outside of the walls that kept me contained. I had been sent to gather intel on a strange man from a strange place. When I had arrived, the man had acted very other-worldly. But, then again, I could almost understand him. I felt like I was different back at that horrid lab too. It had ended with the town being leveled, but not by me or the man. I had seen a strange metal monster attacking it with a beam of fire. After that, there had been lightning and fighting and rainbow beams and, well, you honestly just had to be there. I bet all of this sounds absurd to the regular person. I had only barely managed to escape. 

Weeks went by with nothing but sitting and waiting, locked away from everything in the darkness. I was scared, hungry, and alone. It was cold and I had nothing to do aside from just sit and pray I'd make it through another day. I just wanted to stay alive.

Finally, I was rescued. The man had been in a suit of red and gold. He'd scared me at first, reminding me of the last metal creature I'd seen. However, he was calm and understanding with me. He helped me. He freed me and took me with him. He took me in and taught me how to be human. In return, I stayed by his side.

I grew to be just like him. He showed me everything he knew and showed me how to learn and how to fight for myself. He gave me tools to survive and showed me everything he could do. He gave me a chance at life. In the end, we became like family to each other. That was my story.

My name is Izetta Lynn Inora. I'm seventeen years old from what we could tell. My given birthday was now May 23rd. We didn't know my real birthday, but Tony had said that I was definitely a Gemini and that May 23rd was a good day because he'd read somewhere that it was national lucky penny day. It was to represent how lucky I'd gotten with my life and to symbolize that I had a lot to be thankful for.

Tony was always insistent that I was special. He said that I was unique for a number of reasons, but I knew it was because there really was only one person like me. Not many people could transform into strange creatures at will. I'll come back to that one.

I live with the great Tony Stark. He's a genius, to put it mildly. He gave me an education equivalent to ten years in seven months. Everything is always non-stop with him. I don't mind it. In fact, I find it fun! I get to learn so much and one day I hope I can be more than just a tag along. 

Of course, everything I'd become was partially thanks to me having an incredible ability to learn just about anything. Tony said I always picked up things faster than the standard processing speed of some of his older robots. His metaphors were something I had gotten used to along with his sarcasm and sense of humor. I had actually picked up a lot of it. I wanted to be just like him. He was my hero both figuratively and literally.

Tony had saved me from my imprisonment. I had been captured and used as a lab rat for an illegal organization trying to become a new government. He'd found out about me thanks to being able to hack into some of the government's logs after I had been spotted in that whole town leveling incident I mentioned before. Plus he had a couple of friends in high places. He'd been the greatest thing that could've ever happened to me. 

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