Chapter 48

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Izetta's POV

We made it to Oslo and got started right away. I started scanning through things, trying to pick up activity and irregularities as Tony supplied the bait. I loved this. It really felt like old times. I remembered a whole bunch of times when Tony showed me how to mess with stuff like this. Good times, man.

"A hacker who's faster than Ultron?" Tony was currently explaining to the people working there. "He could be anywhere, and as this is the center of everything, we're just two people looking for a needle in the world's biggest haystack."

"How do you find it?" The lady asked.

"It's pretty simple. You bring a magnet." I chuckled.

"Tony is the bait and I'm the net. Any activity that isn't us that changes those codes are going to be big red flags for me. I'll be able to find them the second they start." Tony started singing a little.

"Oh~ I'm decrypting nuclear codes and you don't want me to~" I chuckled. "Come and get me." I grinned.

"We're wide upon, buddy." It wasn't long before I got some activity. I quickly pounced on it. "Tony, I got something!" He hurried over to my screen. 

"That's my girl, now reel it in." I kept working and soon started to look familiar. I almost couldn't believe it until it started to make total sense to me. 

"Tony..." He looked over, pausing his work to keep the guy coming. "This isn't a person," I said, smiling. I grabbed the device and scanned it. Come on, buddy. I know it's you. It's got to be!

"What are you doing?" I pulled it out piece by piece, putting it back together. I smiled excitedly as my suspicions were proven correct. I brought him up and he floated in front of us as his orange bubble self. Tony was stunned.

"Well, son of a bitch."

"Mr. Stark? Is that you, Sir?" I cheered.

"Jarvis!! You're okay! You've been protecting the codes!? What a hero!!"

"You know, faking your death was not appreciated, pal."

"My apologies, Sir. It was a necessary action."

"Jarvis, if I could hug you right now, I would, buddy!" 

"I am thankful to be back in your presence as well, Miss Izetta. I hope my disappearance did not cause too much distress." 

"Just don't do it again! Come on, Jarvis. We need to get you back to the tower. Keep up your work, buddy, but we have a lot of our own work to do and we're gonna need your help." Tony looked at me weirdly.

"We are?" I grinned.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Tony paused as it suddenly clicked with him as well.

"Izetta, you crazy, wonderful, genius."

"Learned from the best! Let's go!" I got Jarvis back into my suit and we took him back to the tower. "You know, there's one problem, though," I said over the coms.

"What's that?"

"We aren't the ones with the most knowledge in this field." Tony paused for a second.

"Looks like we're gonna have to turn on the charm." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh brother, we're doomed." 

"Hey, it worked last time."

"I just hope you can pull it off again, Tony!" 

We arrived and it wasn't long before Barton arrived with the Cradle. It was a huge relief to have it, but the relief was short-lived when we found out that Natasha wasn't with him. I wanted to go out and look for her, but I knew it would be pointless. There was no way of finding where Ultron had hidden her. At least, not yet. 

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