Chapter 82

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Izetta's POV

That night, we stayed together. I talked to him about what I had been up to on Earth. I told him about Peter and the adventure we had together and I also explained to him what had happened with my siblings, remembering that he and Thor had originally not even known they were alive. Well...had been alive. 

And that moves me on to my next point. He stayed with me to help me cope. He understood what I was feeling and having him by my side was something I needed. However, while having him back in my life, a mostly changed person from what I could tell, was helpful and made me happy, he still didn't replace my family.

"Why don't you tell me of your other adventures? I've heard bits and pieces of the events you and my brother went through while you were away, but I've never gotten details. Maybe telling a good story will get your mind off things, for now." I smiled, cuddling closer to him as we sat together, looking out at the stars.

"Well, I guess I should start with Ultron. That was right after I left. It was a bit of an unexpected adventure. We were in this place called Sokovia. We were actually...looking for the scepter you had. When we found it, we ran into these twins, the Maximoffs. Wanda's thing is like mind-bending and telekinesis and reality twists, stuff like that. She's pretty tough. Her brother, Pietro, was super fast. The kid could run faster than the eye could see. It was pretty impressive, honestly. I liked his personality, even if they were our enemies at first."

"...Is he interested in you?" I could hear the hint of jealousy in him. I knew that was going to be one of his things, but this was a case where it was especially unnecessary.

"...He's kind of...not around anymore." He went from jealous to awkward instantly.


"That was because of Ultron. Ultron's gone too, but anyway, basically Tony kind of created a genocidal robot who wanted to kill all of humanity with a meteor."

"What!? Stark made that thing!?"

"It was an accident!" I paused. "...Mostly. He wanted to make something to protect Earth, but the, uh...programming kind of...glitched."


"Yeah, not one of my dad's better moments," I admitted. "After that, I started trying to kind of live a life that would more-so classify as normal. I became a bit of a performer. I worked myself half to death, though. That was not one of my better phases." His eyes wavered a little.

"...Was that because of-?"

"Don't do that, okay? I mean, yes, I was in very rough shape thanks to what happened, but that was my issue. Emotions might not always be controlled, but I shouldn't have tried to drown my feelings with the hype of constant parties." He held me closer for a moment before he decided to say anything again.

"Let's move past that. What happened then?"

"Well, I took a break. Stayed with Tony for a bit and kind of just hung around. I started doing more at-home type of work. I made some human friends, nothing very personal, but still. And then the whole thing with my siblings happened and after that, I moved to New York to live on my own, I met Peter, and we had our whole thing with that vulture guy I mentioned. He saved my life at the end of that. A building came down on us and he pulled me out. I was pretty roughed up. It was pure luck that I had the strength to call Tony. He brought me to the hospital, but Peter had to finish the job with Vulture."

"You nearly died?" I sighed.

"Uh, yeah. It's not uncommon in my line of work, Loki." I reminded him.

"But...if you had...and I would've never known." I frowned, knowing that thought probably scared him more than he would've liked to admit. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, trying to make him feel a bit better.

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