Car sex-Natasha Romanoff

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You and Natasha were driving away from the movie theatre and were heading to the compound. She had planned a beautiful date night for both of you and you couldn't be happier. She was wearing a black suit with no blouse and no bra. So this means you were seeing a lot of her cleavage. You have been soaked the entire night and sometimes she would cross her arms or something that made her boobs look so good that you would clench around nothing. You decided you couldn't wait anymore. "Natasha pull over" She did as you ask and look at you with worries in her eyes. "Are you ok baby?" You smirk and said "I'm more than ok" You pushed your mouth onto hers and kiss her as your life depends on it. She kisses you back with more force. You both pulled away when the air was necessary. "I see what you want now." You both jump on the back seat and started making out again. She straddles your lap with her hands in your hair. You grip her ass in your hands to squeeze it and in the process to bring her closer to you. She moans into your mouth. She always loves when you would touch her ass. You removed her blazer and her breast was now free in front of you. You moan at the sight and took one of her nipples in your mouth. You suck gently on it causing her to buck her hips into yours and let out a low moan. "Ohhh Y/N your mouth feels so good." You went on with playing with her tits and soon you had her naked on top of you. The next thing you told her make her moan loudly. "Ride my fingers baby." You held two fingers up so she could sink on them. When she felt your two fingers stretch her out she moans and put her face in your neck. "Fuck I love your fingers." She kept rinding them for a while until you put a third finger up. "God yes!" You felt her clench around them so with your other hands you slap her ass a couple of times and start playing with her nipple again and that pushed her over the edge. She shook on top of you and scream your name. You let her calm down before removing your finger from inside her and she whimpers at the loss of them. She connects your lips with hers again in a sloppy kiss that made you dripping wet. You always loved how the feelings of her lips and tongue on yours could make you feel. She backs away from your lips and whispers against them. "It's your turn." And with a smirk, she pushes you against the back seat of the car so you could be laying down as best as you could in this small sports car. It was uncomfortable. "Jesus christ Nat, can't you have a bigger car? I already know that my back will kill me after this." She laughs and said. "Sorry my love, but I recall you said to me when I went to get you for our first date "Wow, you look sexy driving that car" so you can't complain now. " You roll your eyes at her and smile. "Fine, now fuck me." Even in the darkness, you could see her eyes became a darker shade. "With pleasure." With that, she pushed your dress till it was hanging on your waist and rip your panties away. This made you scream in surprise but it soon turns into pleasure when you felt her tongue inside of you. You have no idea how she put herself in the car to be able to eat you out but you didn't complain since it felt so good. "Fuck Nat, don't stop." She hummed in your core and your leg shook from the vibration. Her tongue was travelling from the bottom of your cunt to the top at a fast pace and you could barely breathe at this point. You were so close that it hurt, you needed a little bit more. "Nat, I-I need-" You didn't even finish that she knew what you wanted and plunge two fingers deep inside your tight pussy and went up to lick your clit and that was it. You moaned her name and came in her mouth hard. She swallowed everything you gave her and she made you sit properly on the seat before sitting beside you. "Fuck that was great." She giggles and said"Yes it was" After relaxing a little Natasha got dress again and you pull your dress down before you both made your way in the front seat again and drive to the compound where you fucked again and again...

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now