One last time-Wanda Maximoff

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"Wanda, we can't do this anymore" You said with a sad expression on your face. She made her way towards you and sit on your bed. "I know..." You swear you had this conversation at least 20 times. It's always the same. One of you would feel bad for cheating on their boyfriend and you would have this conversation, have sex saying it was the last time, not having sex for a couple of days, and fell into each other's arms all over again. You and Wanda always had some sexual tension going on but when you met you were already with Bucky and her with Vision. You both love deeply the boys, but the attraction couldn't be denied. So this fooling around had been going on for about 6 months now. "Seriously Wands, we can't do this to the boys anymore, I love Bucky." "I know Y/N/N, and I love Vision too." You both look into each other's eyes and jump at the other's lips. God those lips were like heaven, you couldn't get enough of them. "One last time?" Wanda mumble in between kisses. "Yes, but it has to be the last time" She nod and continue to kiss you. The kiss was deep and full of lust. She pushed you onto the bed to straddle you. Soon all of your clothes were on the floor and you were both naked, close to each other. Sometime during one of the kisses, she had locked the door with her powers. She starts her way down your body. She stops for a while to play with your breast. You arched her back into her mouth and moan her name. She continues her way down until she reached your clit. She put it in her mouth and suck. "Wanda! Fuck don't stop" Wanda would not stop and didn't want to stop. "You taste so good my love" Neither of you drew attention to the nickname. Both of you knew the feelings you got for each other, but neither one of you was ready for this. She eats you out until you came into her mouth. She made her way up to your body and attached her mouth to yours. She pushed her tongue at the back of your throat and you couldn't help but moan at your taste. Without warning your hand made its way between your bodies and you pushed two fingers inside of her. "Fuck Y/N!" She put her face in the crook of your neck and we're a moaning mess. You fucked her hard and fast. Your hand was burning but didn't stop anyway. She shook on top of you, bit your neck and came, hard. You caress her back until she recovers from her orgasm. She lifts her head to kiss you again. You thought it was a one-round kind of night, oh were you wrong. She stops kissing you and smirks. She turned around and made her way to straddle your face. You became even wetter with her dripping wet pussy so close to your face. You put your arms around her thighs and brought her onto your face. She moans loud and lets herself fall forwards to make you feel good too. When you felt her fingers inside of you you moan into her pussy and her legs shake from the pleasure. You tongue fucked her while she pounded three fingers inside your tight cunt. "Fuck your tongue feel so good inside of me Y/N. God, I want this forever." Yet again, neither of you take notice of her words. "Come in my mouth baby, let me taste your cum." She screamed in pleasure as her fingers keep fucking you at a fast pace. She squirted right into your mouth. Her body shook on top of you and the way her ass was moving right in front of your eyes made you cum all over her fingers. She removed herself from on top of you and laid down in your arms. Let's say you had that conversation over and over again until you confess your feeling for each other.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now