Do you actually know the effect you have on me?-Wanda Maximoff

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You have a complicated history with Wanda. Since you joined the Avengers, she would always flirt with you and obviously, you would flirt back. You always thought that it was some innocent flirt because she was also all over that damn toaster all the time. Vision. (I have absolutely no hate for Vision, it's only for the plot of this story). He was nice, and you knew he liked Wanda by the way he looked at her with adoration. It's been almost a year since you met her and with all this flirting you started to develop some feelings for her. Since you thought she was messing with you when she was flirting you didn't think one second to act on those feelings.

One night you were getting ready to go on a date with some random woman that ask you out the other day. You wore a tight black dress that hugged your curves perfectly, a dress that was going slightly past your ass and strapless. The girl was supposed to pick you up at the compound in about 15 minutes so you went downstairs to wait for her. You had put on some fuck me heels, some light make up and curl your hair. When you arrive in the living room there was Natasha, Sam and Wanda listening to some movie. When they heard someone walk their way they all turn to look at you. "Damn hun, look at you! Who's the lucky girl?" Nat said with a smirk. You gave her a shy smile back and thanked her. "She's right Y/N/N, you are really pretty, be careful tonight." Sam was kind of a big brother to you. The only person you actually wanted to hear a compliment from, it never came. She was fixing you the entire time you sat there waiting for your date. Before you could decide to talk to her your date texted you that she was out front. You said goodbye to the three of them and made your way outside.

Wanda's POV***

Oley fuck. Was she hot or was she fucking hot? I couldn't even say a damn word. I mean, she is gorgeous all the time but tonight She looked amazing. Sadly, she did not dress like that for me Yes I have a thing for her. I only flirt with Vision to make her jealous but I'm not really sure what to do anymore to make her understand that I want her and only her. When I saw her dressed like that I knew she was going on a date and I felt anger rise in me. Anger towards myself, how could I not just invite her directly? I had to play games

Thankfully, the other two I was sitting with didn't see that I was struggling to keep my anger at bay. When the movie ended I went directly to my room. I let myself fall on my bed and pray that the date didn't go well. It's not that I don't want her to be happy, but I want to make her happy Next thing I know my anger has to get out so I'm throwing my lamp in the wall. It feels a little bit better but only one thing could really make me feel better

Back to third person POV ***

You were just getting back to the compound after the date. What a mess. She was not nice at all and wasn't your kind of woman either. When you made your way to your room you pass in front of her room and hear a loud noise. You stop in your track and knock on her door. "Wanda? Are you ok?" She immediately came and open the door for you to enter her room. "Yes I'm ok, I just lost control a bit with my power. How was your date?" You could tell she was lying to you, but you let it slide. "Alright, my date was shit but she was not my type anyway so it doesn't matter." You turn to walk out of her room immediately so you didn't see her eyes lit up at your words. It's now or never, Wanda told herself. "Y/N! Wait!" You stop yourself and turn around to look at her. She walk towards you and gently took your hands in hers. "Look, I-I really like you, like a lot." You looked at her confused. Was she really saying that? Was it true or was she playing games again? You realize you were lost in your thought for a while because her grip on your hand tighten. "Are you kidding me right now? you've been flirting with Vision all the time!" You remove your hands from her grip. "I'm not. I've only been flirting with him to get a reaction from you I promise me flirting with you was real." "I don't know Wanda I-" She cut you off by taking one of your hands in one of hers. "Y/N... Do you actually know the effect you have on me? Touch what seeing you in that dress did to me" She guide your hand in her pants slowly and inside her underwear until your fingertips were met with a lot of wetness. You moan at this feeling. "Fuck..." She removed her hand from her pants but yours stayed. You started to move your fingers between her folds. She moaned your name loudly at this little action and grip your wrist, leaving little print with her nails. You pushed her against the nearest walls with your free hand around her throat. You started to move your fingers around her clit harder and faster. "God! If you don't stop I'm gonna come in my pants." You hum and start to go faster. You were leaving little love bite on her neck. "Cum for me baby." Seconds later she let go all over your finger and her pants. You kept her close in your arms because her legs were still shaking from her orgasm. You lift her in your arms and lay her on the bed. You removed all of your clothes while she was doing the same to herself. You slowly crawl back on the bed to meet her lips in a passionate kiss. Your first kiss with each other actually. What a feeling to have those lips on yours. Wanda spread her legs wider and you put yourself comfortable between them. You started to grind slowly on Wanda and there was perfect friction between both of your clits. She moans into your mouth at that action and bucks her hips upwards to meet your thrust. You were starting to move faster and faster and you could feel the tightness in your stomach getting bigger. "Fuck Wanda, you feel so good against me baby." You started to kiss her boobs but not one second slowing your movement. "Yes! Yes Y/N, don't stop!" This was the little boost you needed to go a little bit faster. Seconds later you shook on top of her and when she felt your juice on her pussy she cry out your name and came. You slowly thrust a couple of times to ride both of your highs. You finally let yourself relax on top of her to regain your breath. "Wow... that was amazing," She said. "You're right it was, I've been waiting to do this for a long time you know." She chuckle at your words and said. " Me too." You relax a little more and sat on the edge of the bed to go and take a cloth to clean Wanda. "Where do you think you're going? I'm not finished with you yet." She lifts herself off the bed and lowers herself on her knees in front of you. You're not going to lie, this view made you throb with excitement. She smirks at you and pushes her face in your heat. You moan her name at the feeling of her tongue inside of you. She lift your thighs to put them on her shoulder so she could be buried further between them. She kept thrusting her tongue into you and you begging to clench around it. What send you over the edge is that she started to circle your clit with her thumb at the same time. You came right into her mouth and fell right back on the bed with your legs still around her shoulder. She lick all you gave her and climb back on the bed to lay beside you. "Did I kill you?" She laughs at your state. "Almost. So does this mean we're together now Wanda?" You looked at her in the eyes and saw the love she had for you. If this was only a one-time thing, you would have been destroyed. "I wouldn't have it any other way, you are entirely mine now." She bite your neck slightly to prove her point and made a mark. You bit your lip and said. "And you're mine."

GUYS!! Thank you so much for over 100K reads!
And i've got another one shot book that I started, go check it if you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now