I bet I'm better-Natasha Romanoff-Part 2

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A couple of months have passed since that night and you could not stop thinking about Nat. When you started dating Bucky you thought that you were over her, but god you were so wrong. And she didn't help either. Brushing your shoulder when she would pass beside you, always looking at you, and even sometimes looking directly into your eyes and you could see the look in her eyes that you would recognize from a mile : lust. You just couldn't think about something else, someone else. You were even thinking about her when you were having sex with Bucky. One time you almost moaned her name instead of he's and you stopped yourself at the last second. You thought you were being discreet about this, but it seems that Bucky noticed it...

"Bucky stop it! I did not cheat on you with her! You know I wouldn't do that!" You were sitting on your shared bed right now and he was pacing around the room, angry. "I'm not dumb Y/N! I know the look she gives you and you like it!" "I can't help that she's always looking at me, Buck! What do you want me to do?" He stopped right in front of me and said "Tell me you only love me, and not her. And look at me in the eyes." Your eyes filled with tears and you look into his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. I love you but I..." "You love her so much more?" You look down at your hands and nod your head. "Alright, I don't have to tell you it's over because it clearly is, get out please." You look back up and were met with his teary eyes. You left his room with tears rolling down your cheeks and made your way towards the bar at the compound. You took the bottle of whiskey in your hand and drank...

You had barely drank a quarter of the bottle when you felt a presence behind you. "What a pretty girl like you doing drinking alone?" You smiled at her voice. You giggle at that. You could feel yourself getting a bit tipsy. "Well well, dear Natasha, I'm celebrating the fact that I'm newly single!" Your voice was louder the more you spoke and at the end of your sentence you lift your bottle in the air. Natasha was really happy but she wanted to know if you were ok first of all. "What happened? Are you ok?" "You. You happened." This fucked her up. You broke up with Bucky because of her? " What do you mean?" You laugh at her. "How could I forget you when I see you every day, when you look at me all the time, when I can't stop thinking about you, when you're the best at fucking me and-" You felt her lips on yours in seconds. You let out a moan at how good her lips tasted. Oh, how you missed those lips on yours. You were barely breathing while you devoured each other's mouths. She lifts you on the counter and places herself between your legs. Her hands roamed your body while she continued kissing you. It's like her lips on yours were a huge glass of water because you started to sober up and you only wanted one thing: for her to fuck you right here right now.

When one of her hands brushed against your inner thigh you buck your hips. You pulled back from the kiss and whispered against her lips "Please Nat, I want you so much." She put her forehead against yours and said. "Are you sure this is what you want? You've been drinking and I-" You shut her up by pushing your lips on hers and gave her a bruising kiss. "Yes, baby, I've missed you so much." That's the only thing she needed to continue. Her lips made their way to your neck and she found your spot almost immediately. When she sucked on it you whimpered and scratch her back through her shirt. While she continued her assault on your neck you removed her shirt and when she backed away from you to let you remove her piece of clothes you realized she wasn't wearing a bra. When you saw her breast fall into place right in front of you, your hands immediately grab both of them and you massage them. Nat had her head tilted back with her bottom lips between her teeth while she caressed your thighs. "I missed your tits so much baby, fuck" She removed your t-shirt too and you wore a lace white bra: her favourite colour on you. "Oley fuck Y/N, I'm so wet for you right now." At those words, you jump from the counter and pushed her back until the back of her knee met the couch and you made her lay down on it. You eagerly removed the rest of her clothes and removed your own pants only to be left in your lingerie. Your face went directly between her legs and you could smell her arousal. You felt yourself clench around nothing. You lick a long strip from her entrance to her clit and she moaned out loud and grip your hair to push you even further in between her thighs. You hummed at her familiar taste and started to eat her out. "Fuck Y/N! You're so good, I've missed this." You just hummed your response, too focused on making her cum. It didn't take long for her to clench her thighs around your head and started to buck her hips on your face to have more pleasure. She kept moaning your name louder and louder until. "Oley shit! I'm gonna cum so hard baby, don't stop!" Seconds later she let out a pornographic moan and she came into your mouth. You tried to swallow all of it but there was so much that some dripped down your chin.

You let her ride out her high and when she let your head go, you lift yourself onto your knees and when you went to wipe the remaining of her cum off your chin with your arm, she grab your face and started to slowly lick all of it. When she was done she put her lips on yours and you moan into her mouth. She backed off a little and said. "I forgot how good you were with that tongue" After all this time, you still blush when she says those kinds of things. She moved forward and whispered in your ear. "Let's redo our last orgasm of our 6 months anniversary, shall we?" You were so excited that you were certain that your panties were soaked. She made you switch places and lay you down on the couch but not before she removed the rest of your clothes. She positioned her pussy on top of yours and she let out a whimper of pleasure. You immediately grip her hips to make her move but she places her hand on yours. "Slow down baby, I'm not going anywhere I promise. Let me make love to you, I've been waiting so long to do it." Tears came into your eyes at her words and you slowly lift one of your hands to bring it on the side of her neck to bring her down flush against you and kiss her with passion. She pulled back, put her face in your neck and started to trust her hips slowly. You intertwine one hand with one of hers and the other had a firm grip on her back, afraid that she would pull back. It felt so intimate, sensual, and passionate that two minutes into those slow trust you could feel yourself coming already. "Fuck, Nat, I'm so close already." "It's ok baby, I am too." She lift her head so she could look into your eyes and started moving her hips a bit faster. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your back arched into her. "Come on Y/N/N, look at me, I wanna see your face when you cum." You look into her eyes and you could see the love and hunger she had for you and it didn't take long for you to cum all over her and that triggered her orgasm. She lay down on top of you while she regained her breath. You draw shapes of anything on her back for a while, caressing her body and none of you knew what to say after this. Not for a while anyway.

"I want you back." You stop drawing on her back and just lay your hand there. You kept looking at the ceiling, not knowing what to say. "It's not a joke Y/N/N, I still love you like we never broke up and I promise I'll make so much more effort into our relationship if you let me do it. I'll work on my jealousy and control, please." While she talked she lift herself on her elbow and was looking at you in the eyes. When you saw a tear roll down her cheeks. You knew she told you the truth because not once did she cry in front of you, not even at the break-up. You lift your head and gave her a sweet kiss on the mouth. "I'm willing to try again, you know I still love you too Nat. I will work on the fact that I worry about you too much too and-" "You don't have to do that. During those months without you, I realized that you were right, I wasn't being careful enough, and I understand why you were always worrying so much." You nod your head and she lay back on top of you. You both fell asleep on that couch that night not giving a shit about who could see you in the morning.

From there, your relationship with her kept getting better, and you couldn't be happier.

Sorry guys! I'm always so tired and busy but I will REALLY try this time and write more. Xxx

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now