Are you wet for me?-Wanda Maximoff

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It was no secret that Wanda was your dom. It was also no secret that she had a dick. You have been with her for 6 months now and she never failed to make you feel good. That dick of hers is so big that every time you are afraid that it won't fit. But every time it does due to your wetness. You didn't know you were a squirter before she came along. God, you can't even remember the last time you didn't squirt when she used her member.

So right now you were all listening to a movie in the living room and you were sitting on Wanda's lap. Every fucking time you were in this position Wanda was always teasing you. Now it was almost at the middle of the movie and she had done nothing, her hands were resting on your thighs and weren't moving, like at all. Honestly, you were happy that she didn't try anything- Here we go. You could feel her hand getting higher and higher until her fingers slip into your tight gym shorts and trace her fingertips on your outer lips. You shudder on her lap and you heard her chuckle under her breath. You felt her hot breath on your ear and she said. "You thought you would get away from this tonight baby girl? Where's the fun in that?" You felt her fingers move a little and she press on your clit. You bit your lip to refrain yourself to let out a moan. She started to make tight circles on your clit and you could feel wetness starting to coat your folds. "You know the rules, you don't get to cum until we're in the bedroom after the movie. And do not make a sound." You nod your head and try to focus on the movie.

The next hour or so she edge you. when she felt you were on the verge of crying because of how much you needed to cum she gave you a minute to calm down and restart. You were dripping and you could feel her hard cock on your ass. When will this fucking movie end?! As if someone above heard you, the movie ended two minutes later and you heard Wanda said. "Good girl, go and wait on the bed for me." You walk to your shared room and removed all of your clothes to be stark naked in front of your sexy girlfriend when she comes in the room. And when she did she groaned at the view. "Oley shit baby girl, look at you. Are you wet for me?" You spread your legs to show her and the only thing you could do is moan because you were so in need of a release. "Mmmh, so wet for me." She removed all of her clothes and climb on the bed to lay on top of you. When her tip made contact with your clit you buck your hips to try and gain more contact. She pushed your hips in the bed to stop your movements. "No. You know you don't get to do that baby girl. You take what I give you honey." You nod and you waited for her to make a move. She took your lips in her own and kissed you passionately. She grinded on you and you felt her cock brush on your clit with every thrust. You wrap your arms around her body and scratch her back. You heard her groan and you felt her dick entered you all of a sudden. "Fuck! Wanda!" Her 8-inch cock was stretching you out so well. She trusted at a fast pace and you could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm already. "You take my dick so well baby girl. So good for me." She had now her face in your neck and she was nipping at your skin. Your nails were digging in her back and she loved it, this made her go even harder into you. She fucked your pussy raw so good. "F-fuck, I'm gonna cum." "Cum baby, cum all over my cock." You squirted on her dick and all over the bedsheets but that didn't stop Wanda. She went at it until she came inside of you with a loud moan of your name. You had cum 5 times more before she came. She got out of you and fell beside you on the bed. You were both panting hard and it took a couple of minutes to gain your breath. You cuddle on her side and said "How can you be so good? I swear I can't feel my leg again." She laughs and said. "I don't know baby, it might be you. You are so damn sexy and even after so many times you are so tight that you are driving me crazy." You blush at her words and hummed in response before falling asleep in the arms of the love of your life.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now