Natty!-Natasha Romanoff

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You weren't doing well lately. Natasha was gone on a 5 month or so mission and at first, you missed her but you were able to function. Now it wasn't the same story. The only thing you would do was train, showering and sleep. You would eat here and there but not a lot. You missed her so much it hurts. And she would only be back in a month...

Right now you were just getting out of the shower after a long training. When you finished getting dressed you heard a lot of noise downstairs. You decided to go and look. When you arrived in the living room everyone was around the same spot. When they heard you coming they let you see the thing they seemed to be so obsessed for. When you saw what it was it wasn't a thing, it was a person. Your person. "Natasha?" "Yes princess, come here" She dropped her bag to the ground and opened her arms for you to jump. You didn't hesitate to run and trap her in a crashing bone hug. "Natty!" She put her hands under your thigh to keep you up. "I missed you so much Y/N" You didn't have to answer for her to know you missed her too. You held her for dear life and you had your head in her neck. She felt you cry in her neck and she manage to grab her bag, tell the other you both will see them later and almost ran to your shared room. She layed herself on her back on the bed with you on top of her. She let you cry for some time while she whispered sweet words in your ear.

suddenly you started to kiss her neck and suck on it. She groaned. "Princess..." You lift your head and straddle her waist. "Yes Natty?" You bit your lip while looking into her eyes. You saw them darken and she sit up to pull you into a deep kiss. You let yourself melt into her embrace and enjoy her lips on yours. You moan when she pulls back with your lower lip between her teeth. "Do you want this?" She asked while kissing down your neck. "Yes, Don't tease I'm more than ready it's been four months." She chuckle and flip you so you were under. In seconds she got you both naked and was already making her way down to where you needed her the most. When she took the first lick on your cunt you groaned and she moan at your taste. She kept on doing little licks here and there to tease you. "Nat! please stop teasing." "Mmmh, but I'm taking my time, you taste so good princess" You got up on your elbows and say "If I taste that good then eat me." That seem to do something to her and you felt her suck on your entire cunt. "Fuck! Nat!" She was eating you out like she never did, she sucked, licked and bite every sensitive place she knew of. When she suck on your clit and lick it at the same time, you were done. You came in her mouth and she happily swallowed all of it. This orgasm was so intense that your heart rate was really high and you were spread on the bed with your leg still shaking. Nat made her way to lay beside you on the bed and draw little patterns on your stomach. "Are you ok princess?" You just nod your head still looking at the ceiling trying to catch your breath. Natasha giggle at you so you turned your head to look at her and smile. "I missed you too y'know?" With the same hand she was drawing on your stomach with, she lift it to your cheek and caress it. "I know Y/N/N" She bends over to give you a passionate kiss. You seemed to have found your strength again so you grab her by her thighs and bring her up so she could straddle your face. "Princess, I'm too heavy for this" She said while looking down at you. The only thing you could look at was her dripping wet pussy that was inches away from your mouth. You let out a sign and answered her without taking your eyes away from her center. "Bullshit Nat, you're a bit thick but you have the body of a goddess and besides, even if you were twice your size I'd still want you to choke me with your thighs." She let out a chuckle at your word but moan when she felt you bring her closer and lick her clit. You continued to lick her clit as fast as you could and you sometimes put some pressure and she was a moaning mess. It was like a sort of vibrator on her clit and she was so close already. You could tell she was close and you smirk internally. Most of the time Nat took long to cum, even though you were the best she had ever been with, she took at least a couple of minutes to be pushed over the edge. Compares to you, when you were really horny you could cum within 2-3 minutes, but only with her. So you felt pretty proud that after barely 2 minutes she had her legs shaking on each side of your face. "Shit, princess, I'm gonna cum, faster." You didn't know if you could, but it seems that you could because she screamed your names and her cum slide right into your mouth and you hummed at the taste. She was gripping the headboard tight and was slightly sitting on your face, placing her pussy right on your mouth. She didn't seem to notice since she didn't move so you let her stay there and breath through your nose.

To get her attention you slap her ass and this made her let out a groan of pleasure. The second her pussy wasn't on your mouth you let your tongue make its way into her wet cunt and her hips had a mind of their own and started riding your face. "Ahhh, fuck princess, be a good girl and make mommy cum again." Your eyes widen at those words and you clench around nothing. You felt your arousal drip on the bed. She wasn't using those kinds of words often, but she usually did when she was in a moment of pure pleasure and let her mouth say the first thing that came to her mind. So you let her ride your tongue and face while you slap her ass once in a while with your left hand and with your right you were fingering yourself. You couldn't help it, she tasted so good and was so hot on top of your mouth. You moan into her pussy and that made her let out a louder moan. "God baby, it feels so good." You moan again and you could feel yourself close. You continued to finger yourself when suddenly after one particular hard slap on her ass, she came into your mouth again. This made you cum on your fingers so you moaned loud causing her orgasm to last longer. She collapses beside you and you cuddle her side immediately. She brought you closer by your waist and kiss your forehead. "That was amazing princess." "It was Natty, I missed this." By this, you meant that when Tasha is at the compound you both fuck all the time and it was always for a couple of rounds. "Me too, but would you mind if we sleep for tonight? I'm kind of tired..." "Of course babe! Don't be silly, we'll have plenty of time to have sex, and I'm kinda tired too." She smiled happily, kiss your lips one last time and she was out in minutes with the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. You would marry this woman one day.

Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for not posting.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now