Can you two be anymore loud?!-Natasha Romanoff

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You had just got out of the shower after a long mission that went on all day. when you got out you had a towel on your head and one around your body. Natasha was on your bed reading a book and when she heard the door open she lift her head to look at you. The towel around your body was barely attached and it could fall off any second. Every time that Natasha was looking at you naked, or almost, she seemed to fall into some sort of trance. Right now you were drying your hair and she had a sudden idea. She walks behind you and pulls on your towel to remove it. You scream in fear but when you lift your head you saw the way she was looking at your body. Oh, I will get some tonight you thought to yourself. In a blink of an eye, she had picked you up to pin you on the bed. "You're so sexy, baby." She was already on top of you sucking on your neck. "Fuck Nat, we have to try and be less loud tonight or else the others will be mad." She nods her head in your neck and said. "I can't promise anything and you know I don't give a fuck who hears us, it proves to them who you belong to." With that, she bit hard on your collar bone and you almost screamed at this sudden contact. "Let's get started." She said with a smirk.

She was only in some panties and a tank top so she removed her top and let herself fall back on top of you to kiss you. Her mouth felt so good onto yours. Your lips moved in sync with hers. Her clothed pussy grinded on your stomach and you could feel her wetness. You moan at that feeling and that allowed Natasha to shove her tongue in the back of your throat. After a while, she pulled away and went down to kiss your neck. "Please baby, do something." You had one hand on her ass and one in her hair trying to guide her lower. She chuckles in your neck and said. "You know not to push me, my love, you want to get punish?" She had made her way towards your nipple and at the end of her words, she bit harshly on one. You scream out in pain and pleasure and shook your head. "No! No baby, I'm sorry." Even though most of the time you liked to be punished, tonight you didn't want to be. She hummed her response and continued her assault on your nipple. She was being a little more gentle though. When she had finished her fun with your breast your nipples were red and painfully hard. They were so sensitive that she would only touch the tip with her tongue that you would moan out her name. She made her way lower until she had her face in front of your core. She blew on it and it took everything in you to not buck your hips. You heard her whisper "good girl" and she dives right in. She devoured your pussy like it was the last time she could do it. When you felt her tongue entered deep inside of you you let out a high pitch moan. "FUCK! NAT!" She tongue fuck you for a while and when she removed it she put her hands on your ass to lift it in the air a little and lick a long stripe from your asshole to your clit and she sucks it in her mouth. And here you were, moaning at the top of your lungs again. Haven't you told Nat you needed to be quiet? Well, fuck it. She didn't do it often, but when she was doing anything that was including butt stuff you were a mess. Only this little stimulation on your asshole and you were so close to your orgasm already. She sucked your clit into her mouth non-stop and your legs begging to shake around her head. She started to suck harder and faster on your clit to give you the best orgasm she could. When she bit down a little on it you lost it. You let out the highest moan yet. "YES! NATASHA!" She sucked all of your juice and made her way to be on top of you again. She kissed you passionately so you could taste yourself. "How was it?" She asks you. "Fuck Nat, you know when you touch that area it drives me crazy." "Hhmm, I know my love, that's why I always do it when you don't expect it." You chuckle and brings her into another kiss. She moves so she would straddle your waist again and you could feel her grind on your stomach. She still had her panties and that bothered you. You push on her shoulder a little to break the kiss and you smirk at her. You hook your hand at the front of her panties, took a good hold of it and rip it off her. She moans when she felt your stomach on her bare pussy. "Fuck Y/N/N, your strength turns me on so much." With that, she continued to grind on your stomach and you could tell she was dripping. You put your hand on her ass cheek to help her thrust on your stomach. She was moaning pretty loud and when you slap her ass with both of your hands she moans louder. "Yes! Do it again." You slap her right ass cheek again and again and you could feel her juice dripping on your stomach and some were getting on the bed. You could tell she was close because her breath was hitching in her throat. "I-I'm close" It was getting hard for her to move her hips so you help her. When you slap her ass again she same with a loud cry and fell on top of you panting. She buried her face in your neck and both of you relax in each other's arms. Nothing more was said until both of you fell into a deep sleep.

***The next morning***

When you wake up you found out that your girlfriend was already awake and getting ready for the day. She was in her underwear searching for a piece of clothing. "Hi, baby." She looks at you and smiles. "Good morning my love." You got off the bed and made your way towards her. You wrap your arms around her neck to give her a morning kiss. Since you were still naked from the previous night, she slid her arms around your waist and pull you closer to her. She grips your ass and you moan in her mouth. You knew where this could lead but you had training soon so you had to stop her. You removed yourself from her embrace and she pout. "Baby we have to train soon." She signs and nods. You both got dress fully before making your way towards the kitchen. Everyone was there and it looked like they were tired and kind of moody. When they saw you entered the kitchen Tony was the one to spoke. "Can you two be any more loud?!" You hiss at his shouting and got closer to Nat. She put an arm around your waist to bring you closer. She was the only one who knew you hated it when someone was shouting at you. "Shut up Tony! Get over it already. We're not that loud." "Oh, but you are! I warned you both already to keep it down. It's getting really disturbing." He was still shouting and you could feel yourself tearing up. You close your eyes to calm yourself. Natasha continued in a calmer voice. "Look, if it bothers you that much make the rooms soundproof, build us a cabin that we can stay in or buy us a house even! But stop fucking shouting at us all the time about this or well be louder, and believe me we can." You chuckle and you heard the others did too. Tony groaned and storm out of the room. You kiss her cheek and mumble a small thank you. She looks down into your eyes and you felt all the love she had for you. "No problem."

A week after Tony gave you both the keys to a nice little house not far away from the compound. At least, you both could be as loud as you wanted.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now