Your roomate-Natasha Romanoff-Light Smut

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When you entered the room you had been assign to you smiled. It wasn't big, but it was enough for two 19-year-old girls who started university. Your roommate was already there. When she saw you you could see her eyes lit up. She made her towards you to present herself. "Hey, I'm Natasha Romanoff, I'm going to be your roommate for the next year." You took her hand in yours to shake it. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you." She was going to answer when your boyfriend interrupted by barging into the room with a box. He put it on the bed and made his way towards you to put his arm around your waist and kiss you. Natasha was a little broken by this view. She had no chance now. When you pulled back you present them both. "Jake this is Natasha, my roommate. Natasha this my boyfriend, Jake" They smiled at each other. It's like Jake could smell he had a rival in front of him...
During the next two months, you and Natasha have become close friends. You knew she liked you because she kept flirting with you, looking you up and down, or even bring you food.
Tonight, you were both sitting on her bed, back against the wall watching the movie. You wore black tight shorts and a tight tank top, with no underwear or bra. Suddenly you felt her hand making its way in your pants and started to rub your clit. You had to suppress a moan. You turn your head to look at her and she was looking at you biting her lips. "What are you doing Natasha?" "What I've been wanting to do for a while now." She started to rub faster and harder. Jake wasn't half as good as her. Oh fuck. Jake. Meanwhile, she had started to kiss your neck and you had to moan. You removed her hand and pushed her away. "You know I can't Natasha. You know damn well that I have a boyfriend." She nods her head and looks down. "I know Y/N/N and I-I'm sorry. It's just you looking like this on my bed I couldn't resist. I had completely forgotten about Jake. It's just that I've been liking you for a while now and you know it." "I know Nat but I still love Jake." You got up and went to your bed to go to sleep. You heard a little sob that she tried to suppress, but you heard it. It broke your heart. You wanted nothing more than to run over to her and take her in your arms and to make love to her. But you couldn't. Not until you saw Jake face to face to tell him the truth.

The next morning you prepared yourself for the day. Natasha was still sleeping because it was her day off so you made sure to make a few noises as possible. You only had classes in the morning and you had already planned to see Jake for dinner. You knew you were breaking his heart but you had to tell him the truth. So after your last class, you made your way over to the said restaurant. You didn't plan on eating dinner and tell him after. You wanted to tell him directly. Even though You and Nat might not work out, you had to break it with Jake because it's not fair to him. So when you arrived he was already there, waiting for you. "Hey, my love" He tried to kiss your lips but you turn your head so he would kiss your cheek. "What's wrong Y/N" "We need to talk Jake. We have to break up. I like someone else. I still have some feelings for you but I can't stay with you if I like and would love to be with someone else." He had tears in his eyes. You knew he wanted a family with you one day. But you just couldn't lie to him. "Thank you for telling me the truth. But know that I will always love you." You nod your head, got up to hug him and went back to your dorm room. When you opened the door you saw that Nat was still asleep. You chuckle to yourself and look at the clock. 1 pm. What a sleepy head. You sit down next to her and gently shook her awake. "Nat wake up, I have to tell you something." She turned to face you but was still sleeping so you took matters into your own hands. You put your lips on top of hers briefly hoping this would wake her up but no. So you pushed your lips harder against hers and she begins to stir. Before you could remove your lips you felt her hand in your neck to make you stay where you are and kissed you back. You both moan into the kiss and when you pull away you rest your forehead on hers. "Why did you kiss me Y/N/N. You can't play with my feelings like that." "I'm not Nat. I broke up with him. I like you too." She back up to look into your eyes. She had tears in hers. "Are you serious?" "I've never been more serious." She giggles happily and brings you on top of her.

Part two will be out soon!!

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now