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You just arrived from a week-long mission and you went directly to your shower. When you got out you were met with your girlfriend of 4 months, Wanda. "Hey, baby, how was the mission?" You joined her on the bed and cuddle with her. "It was long, I missed you." "I missed you too." You lift your head to give her a sweet kiss on the mouth. She had another idea and climb on top of you to deepen the kiss. You weren't complaining, it's been a week since you two been intimate. Since the first time, you had sex you both were doing it at least one time a day. So a week was very long. She removed the t-shirt you wore to bed and rip your panties off of your body. You giggle at her eagerness and she undresses as fast as she could. Before she got back on top of you she admired every part of your body. "You are beautiful Y/N" You blushed at her words and before you could thank her she closes the gap between the two of you and kissed you. Her mouth made its way to your neck and kiss every good spot she knew off. "Yes, Wanda don't stop" She trailed her hands to your wet cunt and start toying with your clit. You moan into her ear and she shivered. Your moans were making her weak in the knees. She worked her finger faster and harder on your clit. "Ahhh baby!" She continued with her fingers and kiss her way to your tits, to suck one in her mouth. This pushed you over the edge and you came all over the sheets. While you were still out of breath, your girlfriend went to get a cloth to get you cleaned. After that she let you cuddle into her side and you both fell asleep. The next morning you woke up alone in your bed. You turn around to the side where Wanda was supposed to be and you found a letter.
Hello baby,
When you read this I will already be on my way to a 3-4 days mission with Steve and Sam. I will be back before you know it.
Take care
Wanda xx
She's so cute you told yourself. You made your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth only to found no toothpaste. You thought of where you could find some, Natasha.

The thing is, when you joined the Avengers, you were instantly attracted to both of the red-head already on the team. Since you are very shy you waited hopefully that one of them would come and talk to you. And the first one that did was Wanda, so since then you are dating Wanda and you like her a lot. The problem is you still are very attracted to Nat, and the way she looked at you, you knew the feelings were mutual. It wasn't really difficult to keep it in your pants because one: Wanda was always around and two: you were never alone with Nat. Until today.

You decided to make your way to Nat's room since she was on the same floor as you. You knock on her door. You heard a footstep and you were met with a sleepy Natasha in only some panties and a tight tank-top, with no bra of course. You recomposed yourself hoping Nat didn't notice. Of course, she did. She resists the urge to smirk and said. " Hey Y/N/N, what's up?" "Oh yeah, I-um just want to brush my teeth and I have no toothpaste, can I take some of yours?" "Sure, you can go to my bathroom." You made your way to her bathroom and brushed your teeth. When you got out you saw Nat waiting for you on her bed. You didn't think anything of it. You thanked her and made your way towards the door. "Wait! I want to talk to you." Oh no. Breathe Y/N, breathe. You walk towards her bed and sit beside her. "Yes, Nat?" She put her hands on your thigh, a little too high for your liking. But, at the same time, you were dripping with that simple touch. "I see the way you look at me, and you know I look at you the same way. We want each other. It doesn't mean that Wanda asks you out first that I didn't want to. I planned on doing it but Wanda was faster. So I've been trying to control myself Y/N but it's like your body has control over mine. When I see you my heart starts beating faster and I can't help but soaking my underwear. You're doing things to me that no one ever did." You looked in her eyes to find if she was lying but she wasn't. "Nat, I-I want you, that's a fact, but Wanda is-" She shut you up with her finger on your lips. " Don't think about her right now, we're finally alone, let's make the most of it." With that being said, she gently pulled your face towards hers and put her lips on yours. You sign in happiness. The kiss quickly grew passionate and she pushed you on your back on the bed. You both made out for a while and soon all of your clothes were somewhere in the room. When her wet cunt make contact with yours you both let out a loud moan. She started grinding her pussy on yours and it felt like nothing you've ever felt. She started slow but pick up the pace minutes by minutes. "Oh God Nat, you feel so good against me" she had her face in the crook of your neck to kiss and lick it from time to time. "Yes, yes baby, you make me feel so good." She said. You both were so close to your orgasm. Her movement became slopier and you moan each other's name and came. Nat fell on the other side of the bed panting. You both had a smile on your face. She turned her head to look into your eyes and said. "I know you're with her but I can't help it Y/N, I-i thinks I'm falling in love with you, and what just happened isn't stopping it."
What did you get yourself into?

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now