You are not wearing that-Natasha Romanoff

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Some of you guys wanted a Dom!Nat so here it is. I hope it's what you were looking for!

Tonight was girl night so you were getting ready in your bathroom. Nat was ready about fifteen minutes ago but you were still finishing your hair. "Baby come on hurry up!" You heard her say from the bedroom. You had been with Nat for about 6 months now. Things were going really great, and the sex was a-ma-zing. It was only like the second time you met her friends. You wore a tight green dress that had thin straps, only going slightly past your ass, showing your boobs and there was a big opening on your back so that people would be able to see the big tattoo on your back. When you got out of the bathroom Nat's eyes were on you and her jaw dropped. But the second her admiration was over she stand up from the bed and said seriously. "You are not wearing that." You laugh in her face and said. "Sorry, but I'm wearing what I want babe." You knew she was fuming, 1 strike out of 3, let the fun begin. "Y/N, this is showing too much of you. Only I get to see that." You walk towards her and put both of your hands on her chest while she put hers on your waist. "Nat, you know all of this body is yours. I'm feeling really sexy in that dress, don't you think I'm sexy?" You said while looking up in her eyes and biting your bottom lip. She groaned and grab your ass to pull you closer to her. "You look sexy as fuck baby, fine wear this but you know now you only got 2 strikes left" She rolled her eyes but you just kiss her sweetly on the lips and back away from her embrace, leaving her wanting so much more.
When you both arrived at the bar the girls were all waiting for you already. But there was a new girl. "Babe who's the blond one?" She brought you closer by your waist in a possessive way and tell you. "Carol. Be careful around her, I know you're her type." You giggle at her behaviour and kiss her on the cheek. She looked at you adoringly and you both sit down around the table. You said hi to Maria and Wanda but when it came to Carol she was smirking at you. You went to shake her hand but she took it and bring it to her mouth to kiss it. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Natasha wasn't exaggerating when she told us you looked like a goddess" You blush at her words and quickly removed your hand from hers. You heard Nat groan beside you and you knew the second strike was gone. "Carol back off, you know she's mine." The girls all laugh but you just scoot closer to Nat to prove to her she was the only one. "Calm down Nat, I'm only joking." She starred dagger at Carol but shut her mouth. She still held you close to her by your waist but you didn't want it any other way.

The night was going great, Nat had finally said some words to Carol since Carol keep telling her that she would never make a move on me. Until the moment you were all dancing and Nat whispered in your ears that she was going to the bathroom. You nod your head and continued to dance. Not long after you felt two hands on your lower back and you were certain those hands weren't Natasha's. You smirk to yourself, you wanted to be railed tonight and with this random girl touching you you were certain you would have it. Not a minute has passed and you already felt Nat pulling you by her side and pushing the other girl away. "Get the fuck away from her!" She raised her hands in surrender and left. She turn you around in her arms and you could see the anger in her eyes. "You know this was your last strike right princess?" "Mmhh I know daddy, bring me home." She groaned and told the girl you were leaving and drive you both home. When you pass the front door it didn't take long for Natasha to slam you against it with a grip on your throat. "You know I hate it when someone else touches what's mine." "What you're going to do about it huh?" She pushed you harder against the door and her grip on your throat tighten. "I'm going to ruin you, princess. I want you spread on the bed naked. Now!" You almost ran to your room and removed all of your clothes and laid on the bed. You could already feel your arousal dripping on the bed.

When Natasha arrived in the room a couple of minutes later she had the biggest strap you had attached to her waist. You gulp when you saw it and clench around nothing. She made her way on the bed to hover above your body and slide her fingers between your pussy lips. You moan and buck your hips to gain more friction. At that action, she slaps one of your tits. "You know not to do that, do you want to be punished on top of that?" Being punished sounded pretty good right now. You smirk at her and grind on her fingers again. She groans and turned you around so you were laying on your stomach. "This is what you want right princess? Being punished by daddy, you're a fucking slut." You moan at her words. "Yes, daddy! Do what you want with me." She slaps your ass one time. "Count for me slut." "One daddy." Harder slap. "Two daddy." An even harder slap. You couldn't help but moan at this one. "Three daddy." And this went on until she gave you 15 slaps. Your ass was red and swollen and tears were falling down your face but you would not have it any other way. Before you could breathe she slam the fake cock in your dripping wet pussy from behind. "Fuck princess you're so tight." The only thing you could do was moan daddy over and over again. She was going at a fast pace and hard. You were already on the verge of having your first orgasm. "Daddy, I-I'm gonna cum, please?" You heard her let out a little moan, the friction it made on her clit was amazing, and then she said. "Cum as much as you want, but I won't stop until I release, you know that baby." "Yes daddy" She kept fucking you until you came at least 3 times, and she finally came with a loud moan of your name. "Fuck Y/N!" And she collapses on your back. While she regain her breath she left little kisses here and there on your back. After a while, she lifts herself and gently removes the dick from inside you. You hiss at the sensitivity but it was all worth it. She removes it to put it on the nightstand to wash it later.  You cuddle into her side. "That was something." She giggle and said. "Yes princess, you were a good girl." You hummed while tracing little shapes on her stomach. She signs in pleasure. The more the time past the more you were going lower until you finally reach far enough to play with her curls right above her pussy. "What do you think you are doing princess?" You look up at her innocently and bit your bottom lip. "Just want to make you cum again daddy." She groans and nods to you. You immediately made your way to lay between her legs and suck her clit into your mouth. She moan while she dug her fingers into your hair to bring you closer to her. She put her legs on your shoulder and couldn't help but to grind on your face. In this position, you could go further so you put your tongue inside her hole as far as possible and curl it. She screamed your name and you could tell she was close. You kept fucking her with your tongue and you started playing with her clit with one of your thumbs. "Oley fuck Y/N! Don't stop!" Seconds later her juice squirted right into your mouth and you swallow it all like a good girl. You let her ride her high on your tongue and when she let her legs fall back on the bed you made your way higher and fall by her side. She was panting and sweat was on her forehead. She pulls you by her side and kisses your forehead. "You're so good at this princess." You blush at her words and left a kiss on her boob. You finally let out a yawn and she tightens her arms around you. "Go to sleep baby, I love you." "Love you too." Within minutes you were asleep and Nat wasn't long after you.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now