I bet I'm better-Natasha Romanoff

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You were all sat down in the living room at one of the stark's parties. There wasn't that much person left so all of the current avengers were sitting together chatting about this and that. You were curled up on the side of your boyfriend, Bucky. You weren't paying attention because you were really tired. After some time Bucky turns to face you and say. "I bet I'm better." You look at him confused. "Better at what?" "I bet I'm better than anyone you had in bed." You knew you had to agree with him, even though this wasn't the truth. "Of course Buck, you're the best." You could tell this made him happy and your smile, he turns his head back to the other guys to continue their conversation. When you turned your head, you made eye contact with no other than Natasha. Your ex. She gave you a small smile that you gave back. But you knew it wasn't real for both of you. She probably heard what Bucky had asked and you knew what she thinks now, that you were a liar. You had told her months before that she was the best and no one could ever top her. So you made sure no one was looking both of your ways and you mouthed to her "It's not true, you know you are the best" That made her give you a big real smile. Even though you and Nat had broken up, you both knew you still loved each other. But things weren't meant to be... You were always into fights, either she was too jealous or controlling, or you would confront her about how much danger she put herself into without thinking. It killed Natasha to see you with Bucky, but she could only blame herself, she was the one who didn't fight enough to maintain the relationship.

After that, your mind travelled elsewhere...

***Flashback to a year ago, 6 month anniversary***

You had both came back to the compound after the amazing date Nat had organized. So you both hurried up to the right floor of the tower. You and Natasha crumble in her room devouring each other's lips. You made sure that the door was lock and you felt Natasha pushed you towards her bed. "Fuck Y/N, I want you" She was hovering you on the bed. You pulled her flush on your body and whispered in her ear. "Take me, I'm all yours."  You didn't have to tell her twice. She kissed you like there was no tomorrow. It was a hungry kiss like she needed to show how much she wanted you. She started grinding her clothed core on yours and you both let out a moan. She continued this for a while and it felt so good for both of you. "God Y/N/N, I'm so close with this already." "Don't cum in your clothes, cum in my mouth baby." That drives her wild, in less than a minute she had remove both of your clothes. You grab her thigh to signal her that you wanted her on your face. She moved on top of you and before she could lower herself, you circle her thigh with your arms to bring her down yourself. You both moan loudly when her core made contact with your tongue. "Mmmh, I'll never get enough of how you taste." "Your tongue feels so fucking good, the best I've ever felt." Those words boost your ego and you ate her out like you never ate a girl before. Every trick of the tongue you knew, you made on her. She was screaming her pleasure at this point and you knew she wouldn't last long. She didn't even have time to warn you before she came. Her orgasm hit her like a ton of brick, her juice went right into your mouth and her legs were shaking like crazy around your head. When she became her normal self she got back down to lay on top of you. "Fuck, that fucking tongue is magic." You blush at her word and she went to kiss you again. You made out for a while until you grab her hips to pull her core onto yours. You both moan loudly at the feeling. She kissed you one last time before adjusting herself so your core would be perfectly aligned with hers. When she lowered herself you shivered at the amazing feeling. She started trusting at a slow pace, enjoying the feeling of your core on hers. "Fuck Nat, you feel so good against me, faster please baby." She nods her head and started going faster. She moans your name louder and louder. You were in a sort of a trance with her panting on top of you, moaning your name, her voluptuous breast bouncing in your face. She is so gorgeous. "You are so beautiful baby, you turn me on so much." She blushes at your words and went at it harder. You both came almost at the same time, Nat squirting into you send you over the edge. She falls on top of you out of breath. You caress her back and kiss the top of her head for a while. "You are the best baby, I've never had that kinda sex and we both know it's special what we have." She looks at you with tears in her eyes and kisses you lovingly. "I never want to lose you Y/N" "You won't baby" With that, you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

End of flashback***

When you came back to reality your eyes made contact with Natasha and she was looking at you lovingly, knowing what you were thinking. Maybe you didn't lost her forever...

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now