I can't ask you that-Natasha Romanoff

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Since you join shield, you've been best friends with Natasha. She seems the type to be cold and close but not really. You've known her for at least two years now and you were always hanging out with each other. Right now you were both on Natasha's bed listening to a movie. Unknown to both of you, a sex scene was about to start. And of course, a girl-on-girl scene. It was no secret that both of you were gay, but neither of you thinks of the other sexually. It was pretty awkward listening to this right now with Natasha because you were getting a little turn-on by this. You could tell it had the same effect on her because she was squirming. "Nat are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm just horny right now because of this scene, and it doesn't help that I haven't been laid in ages." You laugh at her bluntness, anyway it's not like both of you was shy with the other. "Yeah same honestly, the only difference is that I've got laid 2 weeks ago, some random girl was all over me at the party so why not." She started laughing too. The sex scene was still on display on Natasha's big TV. The next thing you said surprised both of you. "You know, I could help you out." She chokes on the water she had been drinking. "What?!" You chuckle nervously. "I mean I-I could help you out if you want" "I can't ask you that Y/N/N, you're my best friend." "And? I mean we've seen each other naked so it's no big deal, but I was only proposing my help." You went back to watching the movie and thankfully, the sex scene was over. After a while she said. "Ok fine, but it's only because I'm horny as fuck right now." You were a little hurt at her words, did she not find you enough attractive to have sex with you? "I'm not forcing you, by the way you said it I'm not hot enough for you to have sex with me." Her eyes grew wide at the realization of her words and she immediately corrected herself. "NO! That's not what I meant, you are really hot, too hot for me. But I said that because if I wasn't that horny I wouldn't dare risk our friendship over some fuck." You smiled at her words and move forwards to meet her lips in a passionate kiss. "This won't risk our friendship" With that you move onto her lap and start kissing her again. She kissed you back with force and she grabs your ass to pull you closer. You moaned into her mouth at her force. She removed slowly your shirt to find you braless. Your big breast sprung free in her face and she almost drooled. She grabs one nipple in her mouth and started to suck. She still had her hands on your ass and she was squeezing them. You pull her head closer to your breast as you moan her name. She switches to your other breast to give the same attention. You were only in some short shorts and you started to become wet. Natasha's thigh was only centimetres away from your pussy and you were doing everything in your power to not grind on it. You didn't want to look all needy. You push her away from your tits because you had a feeling she could play with them all night and you needed her somewhere else. You removed her tank top and her sweats so she was only in her undergarment. You push her on her back and lay on top of her. She lifts her head to start a make-out session. Hands were travelling bodies, moans were getting out, wetness was pooling between their legs. "Y/N, I need you. I need to cum." You nod your head through the kiss and started your way down her body. You thought for a second about teasing her but you went against it because it was only some needy sex so...

"God yes! Y/N! You're so good" You had removed the last pieces of clothing off her and now you were eating her out expertly. You were swallowing every bit of juice that comes out of her pussy because she tasted so good. "Fuck Tasha you taste so good." You sucked at her clit for a while and she was a mess on the bed. Panting, sweating, moaning. You lowered your mouth and without warning shoved your tongue deep inside of her and curled it." FUCKK Y/N/N!" You smile internally and continued to trust and curl your tongue inside of her. "I-I'm going to cum, f-fu- YESS!" During her speaking, you started to rub her bundle of nerves with your fingers while your tongue continued its assault. It didn't take long for her to cum into your mouth with a loud cry of your name. You clean the mess you made and went back up her body to kiss her deeply. She moaned at the taste of herself and flip you over so she was now on top. "I think this was the best orgasm I ever had." She had her head in your neck and was nipping and kissing at it. You blush at her statement and didn't answer, not trusting your voice. She removed your pants with your panties not wanting to waste any time and she ran her fingers along your slit. You groan at her teasing. "You're so wet for me, am I the reason for this?" Too lost in the moment you respond "Yes, I'm always wet because of you. Now no teasing please fuck me." Her eyes lit up at your response and insert two fingers inside of you making you moan loudly. She pumps them at a rapid pace and you could hear your juice and you could swear you heard her let out a groan of pleasure at the sound. But you were so lost in the moment that you weren't 100% sure. Suddenly she added a third finger and pump even faster. "Fuck Tasha it feels so good." "That's it, let me hear those pretty little moans of yours." You moan loudly and she felt you clench around her digits. Her dirty talk was doing more to you than you would admit... "Cum for me sweetheart." That was it. You came all over her fingers. She pumps them slower and slower to let you ride your orgasm. When she removed her fingers you whimper at the feeling of emptiness and you watch her sucking her fingers sensually and you swear to fucking god this was the hottest thing you ever saw in your life. After she was done she said. "I could eat you all the time, you taste amazing." She kissed you one last time and lay down next to you. "Do you think it was a mistake, Tasha?" She looked at you and said. "No, it was a one-time thing, it was only to relieve some sexual tension. Do you still see me as your best friend?" "Of course, do you?" "Yes, so let's not worry about this. It won't happen again so there is nothing to worry about right?" "Right" You both dress up and said your goodnight to each other before you went to your bedroom.

Things weren't awkward as you thought they would have been. But... Little did you know that every time one of you was horny they would go see the other...

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now