Harder!-Natasha Romanoff

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You were getting ready for a party at the compound tonight. You didn't know if it was for some special occasion and you didn't really care anyway. You were wearing a simple suit, black with a white blouse. No tie or anything though. So, you were just finishing buttoning up your blouse and Nat came out of the bathroom looking amazing. Like so amazing that your pussy throb, you know what I mean? You've been with Nat for 5 years and a couple of months now and the attraction is still strong as the first day. The dress Natasha was wearing was way too revealing, but you never ever told her what to wear or not. You trust her enough and respected her enough to not control her like that. And she always looked so good in everything, especially those outfits so you really didn't mind. She had on a green dress that had a long slit on the side of her left leg and it surprisingly, was showing no cleavage. The dress had a high collar. Sexy as hell. The minute you saw her you whistle. "Damn princess, you look amazing!" Even after almost 6 years, she always blushed when you told her how beautiful she is. She made her way towards you and put her hands on your chest. And look up into your eyes while hitting her lower lip. "Thank you, baby, not so bad yourself." You peck her lips and smile down at her. "I love you" She cup your cheek and said it back. "I love you too, so much. Are you ready? The party has been on for at least half an hour now." "I'll join you there, I still have to do my hair." She nod her head, kiss you one last time and made her way towards the bedroom door. "I can't wait to remove that dress of yours!" She giggles while swaying her hips more. "I can't wait either baby!" What she didn't know is that you had a surprise for her later...

When you arrived at the party it was crowded. It took you a while to find Nat and when you did you made your way towards her. She was talking to Steve so you decided to tease her. You knew Steve always had a crush on her but you weren't jealous, not after all those years you've been together. When you arrived behind her you push your crotch on her ass and put your arms around her waist. Her breath hitched when she felt something on her ass but she tried to not let it show. She turned her head to peck your lips, she knew it was you because of your smell. Her favourite. "Hi Steve" He gave you a tight smile. "Hey Y/N" He excuse himself and went to see the other boys and Nat turn around in your arms. She looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention and asked you. "Are you packing right now?" You gave her a smirk and said."Maybe" After that, you gave her a wink and left her to her thinking self and made your way to the bar.

Natasha's POV***

What a fucking tease. But she knows how much I love it. In all those years she never seemed to fail to amaze me. It's the first time that she's wearing a strap-on under clothes. When I felt her strap on my lower back I swear I almost moan right there. I'm so wet already, only her has that effect on me. The moment I realise she was gone she was already sitting on a stool at the bar drinking a beer. Now. You will probably think I'm crazy, but when I see her drinking a beer it drives me mad. I don't even know how to explain it. As I made my way towards the bar, another girl was too. Carol. That fucking bitch was trying so fucking hard to steal Y/N from me every fucking time she sees her. Like back off girl, she's been mine for a while now. It only took me a minute to join them and she already had her dirty hand on my girl, gripping her bicep.

Back to third person POV***

Arghh, what does she want again? Carol can't seem to understand that you're with Nat and will never leave her. "Hi Y/N/N" "Carol, didn't know you were back on this earth." She give you her best smile and you did your best not to roll your eyes. "Yeah only since yesterday tho. Couldn't miss the chance to see you again." Here we go again. "Look, Carol, I-" You got cut off with a hand on your thigh, you beautiful girlfriend. You could feel the anger radiating from both women and you would have given anything to not be here. "Natasha." Natasha looked at her in the eyes and said. "Carol. I would say great to see you but I wouldn't mean it." Oh shit. "Are you scared that I could get Y/N in my bed?" Carol smirked at Natasha and you swore Natasha was about to explode so you said a quick "leave me alone Carol" and took Natasha's hand and leave to your shared bedroom.

"How dare she touch you and say things like that! I'm going to kill her I fucking swear!" You cup her face to get her to relax a little bit. "Nat, you know how much I love you. Please don't let this bitch ruin our night. Don't you remember what I have for you?" You guide her hand for her to cup the strap through your pants. She whimpered at the size and said. "I won't let it get ruined. Now, mommy, I recall you said you couldn't wait to remove my dress earlier." You bit your lips at her choice of words and immediately work on getting her out of the dress.

You now had her under you naked, but you still had your boxers on. You met her into a sweat kiss that soon turned heated. She moaned into your mouth when your tongues touch each other. You started to leave open-mouthed kisses on her neck all the way to her breast. You took one nipple in your mouth and suck gently. She arched her back to push more of her tits in your mouth. You happily went to give the other tits the same attention. You finally made your way downwards by leaving kisses all over her stomach. She was squirming on the bed. "Mommy please, I need you." You hum and dive your face right into her pussy. You kept licking up and down faster and faster. She was moaning mommy over and over again. "F-fuck mommy! Your tongue feels so good." You kept licking her till she came in your mouth. You drank all of her juice and give her a kiss that turn into a make-out session. After a while, you felt her buck her hips and she moaned when her core met your still clothed strap-on. The front of your grey boxers was now a darker shade of the colour due to her wetness. "Woaw baby, don't forget who's in charged, I let you come once, be patient." She whined and you slap her pussy hard. She stopped her sound and said. "Sorry, mommy." You kiss her cheek and said. "It's okay baby. Now, you think you can take my big cock?" She moan at your words and said. "Yes, mommy I can." You lay on your back and said. "Come and ride mommy baby." She was straddling your center in seconds and removed your boxer slowly. When she saw how big the strap was her eyes widened. You saw it and smirk. "Not so sure now huh?" "That's a new one mommy, we never used one that big before, I never had something in me that big either." You chuckle at her rambling and said. "Don't worry Natasha, I know you will take it like a good girl." She nods her head not so sure and sits up to drag herself back down on the strap. When the tip entered she hiss but still took half of it in one shot. She relaxed herself and breath for a while then she slid down and took it all. You watch in awe how her pussy lips were wrapping the strap so perfectly and how good she took your thick 7-inch strap. She let out a shaky breath. You put your hands on her waist to do small shapes and let her adjust to the size. "You are doing so good baby, such a good girl for mommy." She whimpered and start to ride you at a small pace. You were thrusting into her at the same pace but with more force. She was a moaning mess already on top of you. "God, don't stop mommy, harder!" You did as she ask and thrust into her harder with your finger gripping her hips hard. She will mostly have marks tomorrow. She started to ride faster and her moans were only getting louder. "You're are so hot babe, you take my cock so well." She was starting to get tired so you pull her down on top of you so your chest was pressed on hers and pounded into her like there was no tomorrow. "Harder mommy, harder!" She was biting your neck to stop herself from screaming too hard. Seconds later you heard her say. "I'm coming, I'm fucking coming! Pull out!" You pull out and she squirted all over your legs and bed. You went in again for a couple of thrusts and when you pull out more juice came out of her.

Both of you were panting like crazy. "This was the best sex we had since a little while Y/N/N" You laugh and said. "Yeah, it was." You removed the strap from yourself and push her on the side so you could clean the mess she made. "You're lucky most of it went on me and not the bed because this would have ruined the sheets" You laugh at her reddening cheek and went to dry yourself. You came back with a clothe to clean Nat as gently as possible. You lay back down and she immediately cuddles to your side. You were both drifting off to sleep when suddenly she said.  "Wait, you didn't get to cum-" You cut her off. "It was all for you tonight baby." "Ok, thank you, mommy, I love you." "Love you too" she fell asleep soon after and you weren't far behind.

Sorry guys this is sooo long

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now