Do you need any help?-Wanda Maximoff

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It's been a while since you've been laid, Even longer that you had a relationship. So, sometimes you had to take care of some needs. You've had a crush on the Maximoff sister for a while now. Everything she did made you melt or turned you on. This morning, you've seen Wanda mad at Nat for eating some cupcakes of hers and god was she hot. You thought of her eyes that turned slightly red, and those red wisps that flowed around her fingers. Her jaw was clenched and she was doing everything she could to control herself. Thinking about this made you instantly wet so you undress yourself completely and trailed your hand to your core. You lazily start to play with your clit while your other hands were searching for something in your drawer. You got out of it a medium size dildo. You were so wet that the dildo entered easily. You weren't playing with your clit anymore, you were thrusting into yourself at a slow pace with your dildo. You imagine that this fake dick was Wanda's finger and you clenched around the toy. You thrust faster and faster into your dripping wet pussy as you were moaning Wanda's name.

First: you thought you had locked the door and second: you didn't even think of the possibility that the person's room that was next to yours was Wanda and she could hear you. And she did. When she heard you moan her name she felt a pooled of wetness between her leg and she got up and ran to your room. She opened your door slowly and you didn't hear her. You were so caught up in the moment, thinking of Wanda's finger and fucking yourself. She smirks and said."Do you need any help?" You scream and made your way under your covers. Fuck. "W-Wanda, w-why are you here?" You were panting like a bitch, you were close to your release. "I heard you, did you forgot I was next door?" You blushed and looked down. "Darling, don't worry about it, I liked it. And I want to fuck you too" Fuck she might've read your mind. Before you could process what she said she was stark naked like yourself and made her way to your bed. She removed the blanket from your body and went closer to you. When you felt her nipple on yours you let it a shaky breath. Her lips were so close to yours, her breath tingles your lips. When she finally close the gap between your lips you both let out a sigh of satisfaction. Her tongue made its way into your mouth and you moan. One of her hands made her way down your body, she took a hold of the dildo and start thrusting it into your pussy. "Fuck, Wanda!" You had completely forgotten that you had left the toy deep inside you when Wanda had surprised you. She continued to kiss you sensually while pounding the dick inside you. You were so desperate for her touch you started grinding on the toy so she could do something to make you feel more. You needed more. You needed her touch. Like she got the message, she stops kissing you and trails plenty of kisses down to your core. While her thrust continued, she attached her lips to your clit and sucked. Hard. You let out a scream of pleasure and Wanda mentally high-fived herself. She kept fucking you and were alternating between sucking and licking your clit. You were seconds of cumming now. "Wanda, I-I'm cumming." "Let it go, darling." One more lick on your clit and you clenched and came all around the toy.

She let you ride your orgasm and made her way up your body to kiss you. You kissed lazily, worn out from that big orgasm. "Wanda?" She hums for you to continue. "Why did you come in here? You could have ignored me." She looked you dead in the eye and said. "Because I like you Y/N, this was the perfect opportunity to show it to you." You smile widely at her words and captured her bottom lips between yours to start a make-out session. After a couple of minutes, you said. "I like you to Wanda." Her eyes lit up and she took you in her arms and you both fell asleep for the rest of the night.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now