Make-up sex-Natasha Romanoff

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You and Nat we're standing in the middle of your shared bedroom and we're in a big argument. She always had the urge to protect you when you were on a mission together. Alone or with the others. You always let it slide at some point but this time she got shot in trying to protect you. You could have handled it, at a 100%. She got shot on the upper arm. Thankfully, Bruce got it all fix up and said she wasn't in any danger. Now you were screaming at each other. "Natasha you have to stop doing that! I'm strong enough! We have the same fucking training!" "I know that Y/N, I never said you weren't strong enough! I just need to protect you all the time!" If you weren't in a fight those words would have melted your heart but you were too angry. "I don't care! You have to stop trying to fight my battle, Nat! You could have get killed out there!" "I will never let you fight alone. I had to help you when I saw three of them coming your way with guns Y/N!" "It was my problem! You shouldn't have gotten in the way, look at your arm! You got fucking shot, Nat!" She looks down for a second to calm herself. "Look, I know I should not do it but I can't help it. Imagine if the situation was reversed and I was the one with three guns pointing my way what would you do?" Both of you had calmed down by now. She made a point there. "You're right Nat, I would have done the same. But you have to be more careful... please" You whisper the last part because you had tears in your eyes. You really got scared when you saw her getting shot. "I will baby, I'm sorry." You look into her eyes and saw tears in her eyes too "I'm sorry to Tasha." She made her way towards you and grip your waist to bring you closer and push her lips onto yours. She pushed you towards the bed to push you onto it.

You kiss her slowly, passionately to show her all the love you had for her. She was doing the same and you could tell she was getting worked up. So were you. You grab her hip and make her grind into you and you both moan into each other's mouth. "Right now?" You felt Nat mumble these words against your lips. "Yes babe, I need you." She nod while her mouth was still on yours. She slowly undresses you and herself. She sat back on her feet to take a look at your naked form. Her eyes went from your naked breast to your soaking wet center and she let out a shaky breath. "You are so beautiful, you take my breath away every time I look at you. Wow." You whispered a small thanks and blush. She bent down again and start playing with your boobs. While sucking one in her mouth she was playing with your other nipple with her fingers. You whimper in pleasure and buck your hips into her stomach. You moan this time at the small pressure you felt on your clit after that movement. She understood your silent request and made her way lower. Once she reaches your pussy, she attaches her mouth to your clit. You buck your hips into her mouth and moan out her name. She continued to suck on your clit for a while until she felt you were close. She gave one last lick and made her way up on your body. You went to protest at how you were so fucking close until she whispered something in your ear that made your legs clench together. "I'm gonna get the double strap baby." She kissed your cheek and got up from the bed.

You watch her walk to the closet to get the strap. You watch her put it on. She put the strap on her hips and you watch how she bit her lip when she put the smaller dick inside herself. You gulp when you saw her make her way back to the bed. She had this look on her face that told you she was going to wreck your pussy tonight. She lay between your bent leg and let down to start making out again. When she playfully bit your lip you felt the head of the fake cock on your clit. The pleasure made you shudder under her naked body. In a blink of an eye, she had plunged inside of your tight cunt. You close your eyes as the pleasure course through you. When she pulled back the small dick inside of her moved and she moan. You were so tight that you squeeze the dick inside and it was more pleasurable for Natasha. She put her head in your neck and started to trust inside of you. She made long and deep trust so you could feel it all the way. After a while, you put your legs around her waist and that made Nat's trust go further. You let out a scream when you felt her fill you up to the brim and clench around the toy. This made her go faster and harder. Let's say she was destroying your cunt. "Fuck babe! You make me feel so good, I'm so close!" She grunts in your neck at your words. "Arghh, baby.." She travel her hand between your bodies and start to circle your clit hard and fast while she was still pounding into you at a fast pace.

It didn't happen often, but when it did you were always embarrassed but Nat found it so fucking hot. Squirting. And right now you knew that the orgasm that was coming included squirting. She continued both of her things while you were moaning her name loud. That went on until you had to let it out. "Fuck!! Nat! Pull out! Pull out!" She did that and liquid started to flow out of your cunt. You scream your pleasure and fall on the bed tired as fuck afterwards. Nat just stood on her knees still looking in awe at your pussy. She had a little orgasm herself when she watch you having a big one. When she recovered from the shock she removed the strap-on and put it on the nightstand. She will clean it later. Natasha picks you up from the bed to get you in the shower. You squeal in surprise and clung to her neck.

After the shower, she told you to sit on the couch of your room so she could change the sheet since it was all wet. You watch as she hurried herself to change them so you could get in the bed as fast as possible. You couldn't help but think how you love her. Seconds later she told you the bed was ready so you walk on shaky legs to the bed and she let you cuddle on top of her, both of you still naked. Nat didn't bring up the fact you squirted because she knew you were embarrassed. But God did she find this hot. "I love you, baby." She said while giving you a kiss on the head. "Love you, night night." She chuckles at your tiredness and brings you closer to her. You both fall asleep almost immediately.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now