Mommy...-Wanda Maximoff

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You were always the one that was being dominated in your relationship with Wanda. You always find yourself under her being teased as hell and pleading with her to do something. You never had a problem with that, I mean, come on, who would have a problem with being dominated by that sexy witch? On the other hand, you wouldn't mind either if you were to dominate her one day. That day would be coming faster than you would have thought...

A couple of days later, you were laying in between her legs with your head on her stomach listening to some show on the tv. Both of you had started a new show recently and you were starting to realize it wasn't really your type of show. Anyways, Wanda was playing with your hair when suddenly she broke the silence. "Princess? Can we talk about something?"You turn so you could lay on your stomach and put your chin on her lower stomach. "Of course baby, what's up?" She looked shy all of a sudden. You kiss her stomach and gave her a big smile to reassured your girlfriend. "So... I was wondering if we could maybe try something new? Like in bed? I mean I love to be on top, and I've always been even in my previous relationships, but with you, I think I would like for you to maybe dominate me? If you don't want it's fine too-" You cut her rambling with a loving kiss on her lips. It soon got heated and you find yourself straddling her hips. When her hands got to your ass you grab them to pin them above her head. Her breath hitched at your sudden action but seemed to relax after some time. You still held her hands above her head while your lips travelled lower to her neck. You mumble a few words on her neck. "Is this really what you want baby?" When she felt your breath on her neck she whimpered. "Yes please," You chuckle on her neck and say. "Already asking for more? You must be really desperate for me baby." She moans at your words. What she said next shocked you, to say the least. "Yes mommy, I need you so bad" You froze with your face in her neck for a couple of seconds. Were you dreaming right now? That little words certainly ruined your panties. You lift your head to look into her eyes. "Mommy, huh?" You smirk and it seemed like she didn't realize she said that because she blushed like crazy. "I-huh-I sorry-" You shut her up with another kiss. "It's fine baby, I love it. Now, be a good girl for mummy and don't move your arms ok?" She nods her head at you. You put your hand around her neck but you didn't squeeze. "Words Wanda." She squeezes her thighs together and gulps. "Yes, mommy. I will be your good girl." Satisfied with her words you removed all of her clothes along with yours.

You had made your way towards her breast to play with them. You sucked on one while pinching the nipple of the other one. Wanda was letting out small moans and you couldn't wait till you heard the louder ones. You switch to lick, suck, and bite the other and she was squirming under you. After, you made a trail of kisses and hickeys on her stomach and went where she wanted you the most. But, you skip her wet pussy to kiss her inner thighs. She whined and bucked her hips for a sign she needed more. You slap the side of her thigh and she squealed in surprise. "Patience baby, you don't want mommy to edge you right?" Her eyes widen and she shook her head. "No! I'm sorry mommy." You hummed your response and dived right in. You lick her folds slowly at first, always the same movement, from the bottom to the top. "Ahhh mommy, feels good." You started to go faster and her moans grew louder. You decide to reward her since she hasn't moved her arms as you asked. You slowly inserted two fingers in her pussy and she let out a shaky breath. " Do you love mommy's fingers baby girl?" "God! Yes, I love how you stretch me out, mommy." Your fingers went faster and you took her clit between your lips to suck it. You switch between licking and sucking on her clit while your fingers were going the faster they could go. You could feel her walls clench around your fingers. "I'm coming, can I cum mommy? Please!" You removed your head for a couple of seconds to reply to her. "Yes, cum inside mommy's mouth." The seconds you put your lips back on her cunt, her juice squirted right inside your mouth. You made sure to lick her clean and made your way up on her body to give her a sloppy kiss. She moan when she felt your tongue brushing on hers for her to taste herself. After a little make out you both needed air so you back up. "You've been a good girl for mommy baby." She blush at your praise and said. "Thank you, mommy, I want to make you feel good too." "Yeah?" She nod her head and said, "Yes mommy, will you sit on my face?" You kiss her one last time and you got up to put your thighs on both sides of her face. The second she saw your dripping wet pussy she attached her mouth to it. You moan her name at the feeling. "Yes baby, don't stop." This situation was turning you on so much that you knew you wouldn't last long. The second you felt her tongue enter you, was the moment you knew you were close. "Fuck baby girl, you make mommy feel so good." This boost her confidence and while she still had her tongue deep inside of you she started to do circle on your clit with one of her thumbs. When she curled her tongue inside of you you screamed her name and came inside her mouth.

You removed yourself from her face and lay down beside her. She immediately came cuddling at your side. After you had come down from your high you said. "Wow, that was great." She kissed the side of your tits and said. "Yes, it was, mommy" You laugh at the way she said it and said. "I didn't know you had that kind of kink baby." "Honestly? Me neither, but I'm glad we find out." "Yeah, me too my good girl" She laugh herself at your words and you both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now