I can't wait-Natasha Romanoff

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Once in a while, Tony would reserve a table for all of you at one of the richest restaurants to take a break and enjoy each other's company. So you all got ready. You were wearing a beautiful black suit with only a white blouse under the coat. Natasha was wearing an amazing purple dress that was going down to her feet and had an opening on the right side of it. Her breast looks amazing in this, and honestly, it would be hard for you to keep it in your pants tonight. You were only watching her hips sway as she walks towards the limo and your dick twitch in your pants. Fucking great. This will be a long night...

It's only been 20 minutes since you were all sat around the round table and you were so hard that you weren't sure if you would be able to stay still for long. Out of nowhere, Nat put her hand on your leg and you let out a low groan. Nat was in a middle of a conversation with Wanda so you went closer to her and whispered in your ear. "Baby can you please removed your hand." She finished quickly her conversation with Wanda and turn her face towards you."Why? We're always doing this when we're going out.." You could tell she was feeling rejected after those words. She pouted and you couldn't help but kiss it away. During the kiss, you felt her hand going higher on your thigh and you bit her bottom lip. "Oh. So that's why." She looks at your hard-on and bit her lip. "Yeah, so removed your hand because this is really not helping." She seemed to get it so she removed it and send you a small smile.

After a while, you had your erection under control and were having a great conversation with Clint until you heard some noise so you look at Natasha and the sight you saw was amazing. Nat had let her fork fall on the ground so she had to lean forward to get it back. This made her breast almost fall right out of that tight dress and just like that, your dick was harder than before. This time you couldn't take it anymore. You whispered in your girlfriend's ear. "Come in the bathroom in 5." She shivered when she felt your hot breath on her neck and went on in the conversation. She waited a little bit before excusing herself to go and check on you. When she went through the door she felt someone pushed her on the wall and being attacked with kisses on her neck. She moaned at this action and tilt her head to the side to give you more access. "Fuck baby I want you so much." You mumble on her neck. She moans and said. "I can see that Y/N b-but we need to go back out there." "But baby I'm so horny my dick is hurting. I can't wait" She chuckled a little and nodded. "Ok baby, but only because I'm wet now. You have to be quick." You nod your head in her neck, lift her dress so it was around her waist while she was undoing your belt and zipper. When your dick sprung free the tip was red and precum was coming out of it. "Omg baby, I've never seen you so hard, it looks painful." "It is, i-i need to be inside of you. Do you still want to?" "Yes baby, fuck me" You didn't have to be told twice so you lift her so she was sitting at the edge of the counter and you slip inside of her easily due to her wetness. You immediately start to pound into her at a fast pace. "Fuck Y/N, you stretch me out so good." You could see she was trying so hard to hold her moans. You lunge forward to captured her lips in your own to kiss her deeply. She let out a moan into your mouth so it wasn't as loud as it could have been. You could already feel your climax coming so you put one hand in between your bodies and start to circle her clit. She bit down hard on your bottom lip to suppress another loud moan. You hiss a little at her roughness but that didn't stop your movement. You fucked her hard and fast and you could feel her legs shake around you. "Are you close baby?" "Y-yes I am, cum around my cock baby." It took a minute for both of you to be pushed over the edge. You stayed inside of her until both of you regained your breath. "Fuck that was some great fuck." Nat said. You hum your response and peck her lips. "Come on baby, we really have to go back now." You both chuckle and got dress before going to the table again where no one had noticed you were gone for like 15 minutes...

Smut book - Y/N with Natasha Romanoff or/and Wanda MaximoffWhere stories live. Discover now